Nika Mühl

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idea from @hooping4life

Nika and Scarlet loved each other, they really did but sometimes they can't see things eye to eye and that leads to some arguments.

both being a bit stubborn they give one another the silent treatment till one of them backs down and it drives the team crazy,

this however argument wasn't like the rest what they said to each other in that moment felt to real not to be a mistake..

"God scarlet! why can't you just listen to me?!"

nika says with tons of rage in her voice that scares scarlet a bit.

"all i've been doing is listening to you, it feels like that you don't even care anymore on what i have to say!!"

Scarlet says tears starting to form in her eyes a bit,

the team was outside of there door ease dropping knowing that if they get caught they would be dead.

"they never fought like this before.."

azzi says bitting her nails.

"they always make up i'm sure that it's gonna be fine and they just need to get some stuff out of there system."

Paige says obviously lying she didn't know what's gonna happen.

"well maybe i don't care sometimes you know that the world just doesn't revolve around you! can you get out of your head for once!"

nika says with full rage in her voice that makes scarlet flinch as tears slowly start to stream down her face.

the team was in shock by what they heard, as they heard footsteps coming to the door they quickly scrambled into the next room but peaking from the doorframe.

scarlet was leaving? she couldn't. they never fought so much that one of them had to leave!

scarlet slammed the door on her way out causing Caroline to go after her given that they were best friends, as paige walks into nikas room about to ask her what in the hell was wrong with her.

but she stoped as she saw nika shocked. she stood there tears running down her cheek not knowing what to do or say.

"it's my fault.. i really fucked up this time.."

nika says with cracks in her voice,

"you need to fix this nika, i know that you love her so much, but this is the one thing that you need to fix immediately before it's broken forever."

paige says walking over to nika putting her hands on her shoulders.

Time skipppp😋

Nika knocked on scarlets door with flowers in her hands.

as scarlet opens the door nika starts to talk.

"I am so sorry that i said those things to you i never meant them i was just mad because u thought that you weren't listening but in reality your the only one that will, i love you so much and i know that we have our problems but i always want you to know that i will never want us to break up i just want you. and you forever and ever. i'm really sorry baby.."

nika says to scarlet scared that she'll just close the door in her face or ignore her except the opposite happened.


scarlet says as she wraps her arms around nikas neck and nika hugs her back arms wrapping around her waist, they knew that they loved each other and that they will always find there way back.

| this bouta be my longest one shot ever but i hope that you guys liked and as always if you have an idea leave it in the requests post and if you liked the story or have any feedback just comment!!

i love you all sm make sure that you take care and love yourselves💗|

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