Chapter 10- Back to Mr. Thorton

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Chapter 10- Back to Mr. Thorton

"Drop a honeypot." Said Morgan, slapping her hands against the floor to declare how amazing her answer was. We had been plotting out how to manipulate Derek and get him to spill what he knows. We had gone through dozens of ideas, take him captive or straight out ask him, but none seemed to fit our situation until Morgan. To drop a honeypot meant to get someone in his circle of friends in a romantic manner, AKA getting him to fall in love with one of us so he'd spill the beans.

The hard part was picking who would be the honeypot.

"Not I!" Screeched Brooke.

"Ladies, ladies," calmed Morgan soothingly, "we have to do this the fairly..." I rolled my eyes in humorous disgust. Morgan had a strict repertoire of choosing people: drawing straws, a sudden death pillow fight, or -- "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" She belted. We lurched at each other ready for battle.

My first opponent was Brooke and I was determined not to lose this, being the honeypot was awful, plus Derek may already know me.

"Ready...rock...paper...SCISSORS!" I shouted, thrusting my fist in the as my rock, signaling her defeat, even though I wasn't sure what she had chosen. Luckily, my gut feeling was right and Brooke chose scissors.

I scrambled onto the bed next to Kelsey to watch the final match: Brooke versus Morgan.

"Brooke versus Morgan in a battle to the finish, who will be the honeypot?" I chanted in my most announcer-like voice.

For the second time that day, Brooke chose scissors...weak. However, Morgan spread her arms as if to give Brooke a bear hug then said spookily, "ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!"

"Aaaaa! Aaaa!" I said, wailing like a siren. "Eliminated by default! That's illegal! And we have our champion!" I continued as I thrusted Brooke's arm into the air. Morgan sat there, shaking her head. Of course she knew this was coming, and she liked the negative attention.

"Honeypot, got to get you all dressed up for your meeting with Derek today." Ushered Brooke in the gushiest voice possible. You could see the excitement in her eyes to be able to have Morgan as her canvas. "We need to find you a perfect shade of lipstick for this afternoon! You'll meet him at one of the hundreds of art galleries so we have to get to work!"

Brooke swung Morgan into the bathroom and sat her in front of the mirror. She examined every inch of Morgan's face and immediately got to work on her masterpiece. Kelsey and I sat in awe as we watched her work. It looked like a flurry of colors being painted onto Morgan's soft tan skin. It was amazing how steady Brooke's hand was as she applied the eyeliner and how few groans came from Morgan's puckered lips as all of her hair was torn off in the waxing process. Forty-five minutes later, Morgan was ready for action.

"That hurt..." Said Morgan flatly as she rubbed her perfectly smooth elbow.

"Who cares babe, you look hot!" Announced Brooke as she did a final check up for Morgan in the mirror. And she did look great. She was wearing a little black dress and sandals with a cat eye: on point.

"Irresistible!" I cooed to add on to Brooke's comment. "Now we have to load you with weapons and put you in the field!" Morgan rolled her eyes.

"Leave that to me," assured Kelsey. "Here is an average pocket knife with a blade, scissors, and all that fun stuff. However, if you press the Swiss logo, a little handgun is released. Cool right?" We answered with intrigued nods. How did she come up with this stuff? "This will go in your purse that contains a tracker, so whatever you do, don't let go of the purse. I also have a tooth cap that you can put on that records your conversation so we can replay it and listen in on what you're saying. This necklace has a camera so we can also have footage of what happens. Got it?"

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