Chapter 11- Spill the Beans

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Chapter 11- Spill the Beans

The sight was so gruesome and I felt so guilty. We couldn't do anything right, could we?

"Look," I said, tears streaming down my face as I pointed to the deadly intersection. "So they did find out it was us. They were aiming for Morgan, weren't they. Or are they just killing innocent people now. Like Derek." I felt my anger bubbling up and I pulled a brick loose from on of the buildings at out sides. "AAHH!" I screamed as I threw it down the abandoned ally. It hit a stray cat which didn't help my tears. "We should get back and see if Kelsey is okay."

"Okay," agreed Brooke cautiously, not wanting to upset the volcano of a person, me, again. We walked quickly, and I didn't dare looks back.

When we reached the room, I couldn't hear any screams coming from inside, so I pushed open the door, bracing myself for the worst. Fortunately, Kelsey sat unharmed on the bed.

"Kelsey! You're alive!" Squeaked Brooke.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked. "Oh no, did something go wrong, Morgan is okay right? She turned away from what looked like was going to become a battle scene and that's all I saw."

"Yes, she's all right, and that was a battle scene, and a bad one at that." We explained what had happened with the other coming in whenever someone left something out. All three of us became engrossed in the tragedy when we finally remembered Morgan.

"Well, I have many secrets." Said Derek Thorton from the computer screen. The room fell silent as we watched.

"Will you tell me them?" Asked Morgan politely, tugging on his coat.

"Secret for secret?" He offered, extending his pinky finger for a deal.

"Okay," Replied Morgan climbing into his lap at the café. "Me first! The first night I saw you was at the Eiffel Tower while you were having dinner. You offered to buy some lousy girl at the bar her drink. Why?" I laughed, of course Morgan would call me some lousy girl, she never missed a chance to insult me. But it was the silence before his response that drew me back to the computer screen.

"Well, that's a hard one." He responded, pausing again. "It's a long story..." I was eager, yet worried about what would come next.

"We have time," said Morgan.

"Does it count as an answer to say I knew her, and I remembered her from a long time ago?"

"No," replied Morgan disapprovingly.

"I think I need to go," he said shifting uncomfortably.

"No, no, wait. I'll take it as an answer, but you still need to get my secret." Morgan instructed.

"Okay." Agreed Derek, " What happened back there? It is no secret that it made you uncomfortable and you wanted out." The question stunned us. What would Morgan say?

"It was scary, and mostly a gut feeling," she answered.

"Well that isn't the truth, but I'll take it because I didn't tell you all of my story either." He said, getting up. "See you later! I had fun." He kissed her on the cheek and walked away.

Morgan frowned disapprovingly as she waved goodbye, staying seated. After Derek was out of sight, she got up and walked away to. I wasn't sure if she remembered that we could hear every word she said or if she even cared, but we could hear her curse under her breath.

Five short minutes later, she appeared at the door.

"Not very successful." She snapped. "And what was with the whole massacre behind us?" This must be what I'm like when I'm mad, a huge pain. We couldn't blame her, being a honeypot was a hard cover to keep up.

Once Morgan relaxed a little and got back to her true self, we debriefed on what had happened.

"Those people were killed because we messed up when we were getting into the base. We were almost caught and obviously we weren't supposed to be there, so they hurt them. I think they were after you." The silence after my words showed how stunned she was.

"It makes sense. Here's my side of the story," she started, "Derek knows you, he didn't say anything else about us or X. However, I could tell he was keeping something from me, but I'm not sure what it is." The rest of her tale was cutoff the ringing of my phone.

"Madame Miranda." I announced. I picked it up and put it on speaker phone so we all could hear. "Hello Madame Miranda, how are you?" I asked.

"Fine, thanks for asking, I'm here to relay some information to you." Obviously she didn't know a about X, and it was going to stay that way. "Tomorrow night, the Centennial Ball will occur and Derek will be there. This is where you will kill him. Understood?"

"Yep. Hey, can we talk to Amy for a bit?" I asked. I got confused glances from Disappearing Inc., but I knew what I was doing.

"Hi guys! I heard you want to chat!" The sweet voice we had been listening to for years came over the speaker.

"Yeah, hi. We are coming up on our first murder mission, and I've been meaning to ask you, what happened on yours that made you so uneasy?" The silence was unbearable, but I really wanted to know.

"Well, it's a long story, but I guess I'll tell it. Okay, I was assigned my mission eight years ago when I was fifteen like you. However, the subject we were assigned to kill was only eleven years old. His name was Daniel M. We were never told the rest of his last name because like today, no one would dare question X. The assassination was to take place on a highway in the middle of the US with a shot to the head. It was all set up, guns loaded in the car and my team prepped. When we arrived, there he was, trekking along the side of the road, no cars in sight and he was alone. Although our hearts fell, we continued. The gun was loaded and nearly pressed to his head when he turns around. His eyes were filled with sadness when he said, "Oh, you're here for me." He was one step ahead of us. he knew we were coming. We asked where he was going, but he only responded, "For a second try." We knew we couldn't kill him, not even a gun to our head would allow us to pull that trigger. Then we just drove away and left him, alone."

I could tell by the way her voice faltered that she was choking down the tears.

"Oh." I responded, voice hushed.

"That doesn't really excite you for your kill does it." She laughed in an attempt to try and lighten the mood, "We'll, good luck."

The phone beeped as the call ended. I picked up a gun and shot the wall.

We were ready.

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