Chapter 14- Recuperation

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Chapter 14- Recuperation

I slowly opened my eyes to a sea of white. The undeniable scent of cleaning mixture filled my nostrils, causing me to cough. Connected to my arm was an IV and different fluids were coming in and out. Glancing to my left, I could see a white wall with a window. Beyond that were rows of white beds, none of which were occupied. To my right was the same thing, only there was a solid metal door and no windows on the wall.

I was in an infirmary. I tried to sit up, but restraints held my arms and legs down. I squirmed my hand in attempt to free from the cuffs around my wrist. It was no use, I dropped my wrist in failure. The world seemed to be closing around me, trapping me in. My mouth opened, prepared to scream for help, by my head was so heavy I couldn't even whisper a word.

"I think she's awake." Muttered a deep voice from behind the door. I couldn't see whose face it was, but it sounded vaguely familiar. The big door creaked open and in walked a nurse, also dressed in white. Her feet scampered on the tile floor like a squirrel as she approached my bed.

She was carrying a little tray containing a cup. I tried to make out her features, but my vision was blurry. She set the tray on my bed side table then raised the glass to my lips.

"Here drink this," she whispered quietly but firmly. The thick murky liquid reached my lips and it took all of my will just to swallow the few drops emptied onto my dry tongue. It tasted bitter and I tried to spit it out.

The nurse must of seen my reaction when she said, "No, swallow, it will make you feel better." I did so in disgust then laid my head back down onto the pillow.

My mind was soaring with questions. The last thing I remembered was dropping my gun and then something hit me square in the back and the world went black. What had happened next?

"Where's-" My mouth formed the words delicately.

"Don't worry, you'll see them soon." She reassured. I wasn't sure how she knew who I was talking about, but it relieved me anyways. I raised my fingers and brushed her knee in thanks.

She smiled then got up and walked to my monitor and flipped a switch. Another substance started to flow down the pale tube. Once again, my eyelids drooped shut.

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