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THE most easiest way to get through school? be popular. seems simple yet it's difficult to keep up the reputation. some of the time people who are popular may not want to even be popular.

like y/n for example— the shit sucks in her opinion. but she can't show that she didn't enjoy it. plus, it can benefit her in some way.

since she was usually so sweet to others and kind, it made sense on how she got popular. and being part of a band has it's perks. of course, she's not perfect but being mean to people wasn't worth it.

that's what made Lloyd literally fall in love with her for. the majority of the popular kids in their school were snobs and often looked down upon him and his friends just because he was related to Lord Garmadon. Some were nice, yes, but it was obvious they did it to keep their image up or false kindness and still talked behind his back.

his heart fluttered every time he would see her and butterflies in his stomach would go crazy whenever she interacted in the smallest way possible. basically, he was having a typical high-school crush. but then he was afraid she was only being nice to not ruin her reputation.

but isn't interacting with him already ruining her reputation? maybe. who knows?

despite that he cherished every little moment with her, even if there was a chance she didn't even care about his existence.

thought these feelings of his could fade away at any moment, so maybe he shouldn't worry so much. but he doesn't want that.

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author's note:

★ literaly a rushed asf story with no plan hehe

★ again, please dont take this book seriously!!

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