CHAPTER 1: The brothers

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"what are we gonna have for dinner?" he asked his brother with a ray of hope in his eyes.

"Toast and fried eggs!"

"Again?!" He slid off from the kitchen counter and wiggled his body down dramatically.

"If you want something else.. make it yourself.. spare me out of it. And I can only prepare this for our huge crowd" the other replied irked placing his tongs down on the kitchen table.

"You mean the 3 of us are a huge crowd?" There came another brother of the chef climbing down the stairs sniffing while playing games on his phone.

"Fot, you better focus on the ground while walking." The chef said from his counter by not turning his back.

How did he know?! Fourth stopped from his tracks and eyed the other brother who was now back sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Don't you know he has got eyes on his back." He replied while playing with apples.

Fourth chuckled and came next to the chef, "Phi, do you think this would be enough for us?? Like I'm growing old too and I need a lot of proteins in my diet to have a healthy me. Did you count me out this time?"

But the chef didn't budge a bit and started plating the toast, eggs with few fruits and a mango yoghurt and handed the plates to his two little brothers.

The two little chipmunks made a face of disgust and placed the plates down simultaneously.

The second older brother asked their little one, "fot, do you want pizzas? I'll order it for us"

"Phi chimon, make it fast I am already hungrily hungry."

The elder brother got his plate and walked out to dine on the couch.

"Fot, I'm going to order..." He said holding his phone while giving a side eye to his brother who's on the couch.

The room was filled with silence except for the sound from the television.

Chimon repeated the sentence. But the chef almost finished his plate. Chimon signaled fourth to go near their elder brother. Fourth proceeded with the plan and reached near the couch and immediately snapped aside as their elder brother stood up to wash his plate.

Chimon was annoyed. "Fot, I made the order." He said without ordering.
"Fot, I'm not paying for it" their elder brother replied nonchalantly after washing his dishes.

The elder brother now walked out of the kitchen.

"Hoii, PHI OHM" both the younger screamed which made Ohm to stop on his tracks.
He turned to them and said "Boys, hear me now. Both of you can have anything you want. But that anything should be made at home either by me or by yourselves. As of now I'm done with dinner, so it's you guys who should decide."

He said and left the room leaving the two dumbstuck. Both the brothers heaved a sigh..

"Chi, do you think bro had a bad day?"

"I guess we are having it.. Thank God the day got over"

"What can we do now?"

"Do we have an option? We both are the worst cooks. That's the reason why he gave us choices" Chimon replied dejectedly.

"Did he forget what day it is?" Fourth asked with an innocent gaze. For which Chimon shrugged and patted the younger' head.

They both took their plates from the kitchen and took the chairs across each other on the dining table. They looked at each other for a moment and proceeded with their dinner.

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