CHAPTER 3: I Found an alien in my garage

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*Beep* *beep* * beep* buzz produced from the car.


"My head... My head.. it looks like it's about to explode." *growling in pain*

Chimon was taken aback from his tracks witnessing a guy shattering the concrete ceiling and falling straight on the engine bannet. Did he fall from the sky? Is he an angel? He gaped at the thought before looking up at their damaged roof.

"Aughhhh" *continues growling*

*Beep beep beep* The beep from the car too continues.

Hearing his growl along with the beep produced from the car, Chimon rushed towards the front and found the guy whose face was covered with his arms in order to subside his pain. "Hey, are you hurt?" He asked concerned.

But there was no reply from the guy except for the beep and his whimper which was now getting louder.

"Didn't I tell you to be gentle with my Car, Chi??" Ohm yelled from inside.

"Danger.. Now I have to do something to prevent bro from seeing this."
"Think chimon, think.." he said fidgeting his body in fear.

After squeezing out his brain an idea struck his mind.
He grabbed the car keys from his pocket before to stop the car from further buzzing the annoying noise.

He then removed the arms of the guy and placed his hand instead on his mouth to make him shut.

"I didn't do anything to your car, it's just some random cat squealing in pain inside our garage. I'll shoo it away now." He shouted without taking his hand.

There was no reply from inside. Thinking he convinced his brother he heaved a sigh. "Not just our car but our whole garage needs a makeover now." He mumbled it to himself after looking either side of the garage and shook his head seeing concrete pieces above and around the car.

Chimon then noticed the guy under his hands still suffering in pain.

"Hey, are you okay. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked after removing his hand.

"Aughhh.." that's all he could say before lying flat on the bannet.

"Dude, can you please lower your tone. My brother would kill me if he happen to witness this. Also open your eyes. Why don't you reply?" He asked while waggling the guy.

The guy opened his eyes and was awestruck at the beauty, Wow, he's handsome! he thought while fixing his eyes on Chimon.

"Finally.. now tell me are you hurt?" chimon asked with concern.

"I..." The guy abruptly halted the flow as a thought crossed his mind and he flinched and tried to get up. Chimon offered his hand after noticing the unknown guy's actions.

There he goes. Again ignoring my questions despite me helping him. Now who's he searching for? Chimon thought.

"Chi, did you break big bro's car??!" There came Fourth to check on his brother who took awhile to get the car out of the garage. But he was taken aback by the garage's condition.

"OMG, this looks like a disaster." Fourth shouted surprised while seeing the condition of their garage.

"Fot, what brought you here?"

"What did you do to bro's car??" He repeated in low tone.

"I did nothing, it's.." he paused and looked at the guy in front.

𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙶𝙰𝙻𝙰𝚇𝙸𝙴𝚂حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن