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"it's such a nice day out. we should actually do something." said leah, who was a little stir-crazy. they'd been in walker's basement for three days, and while it had been amazingly fun to have a whole group sleepover, she was now "bored as hell and needed some vitamin D." 

kaitlyn had caught some kind of little cold and wasn't too keen on the idea of going out, but she pointed out an ad she saw on tiktok while scrolling. "hey, what if we go to the fair? there's one a couple miles away that's supposed to have world famous cotton candy AND a slingshot, and it closes at the end of this week."

"i've always wanted to go on a slingshot!" walker said, jumping up. "let's go."

they group stared at the bottom of the stairs.  

"i wonder what the world is like out there." aryan whispered dramatically.

"i wonder if there even is a world out there." kaitlyn responded quietly. "or if it's all been destroyed in the apocalypse." 

"i wonder if my parents are still out there somewhere." dior said forlornly.

"i had to leave everything i loved behind to go into hiding." charlie said hoarsely.

"i had to leave the woman i loved... oh wait, no i didn't." walker grinned at kaitlyn, who rolled her eyes at him for not being committed to the bit.

"OH MY GOD GUYS MOVE YOUR FAT BUTTS OUT OF THE WAY I NEED NON-PREPACKAGED FOOD AND SUNLIGHT RIGHT NOW!" leah screeched, sprinting up the basement stairs into the living room as everyone else dissolved in a fit of giggles. they spread out throughout the house to grab what they needed - keys, hoodie, snack, lip gloss - and walker dragged kaitlyn up to his room, kissing her as soon as they were inside. 

"i'm gonna get you sick." she pulled away and grabbed a kleenex from his bedside table. 

"it's fine, then we can be sick together." he smiled at her, grabbing a fresh pair of jeans from his closet.

"nuh-uh. i'm not getting you sick, you have to film this month." she wagged her finger at him.

"ugh, whatever. wanna match?" he held out a gray hoodie to match his sweater.

"yes, please. i'll wear jeans, too." they changed quickly and walked downstairs. 

"okay, aryan and walker with me, kaitlyn leah and dior in leena's car. let's go." charlie clapped his hands. "such a dad." leah whispered as kaitlyn giggled.

"goodbye, my love... see you in another life." walker walked backwards and waved goodbye dramatically, walking straight into charlie's car. "ow!"

"that better not have left a dent from your giant head." charlie said, opening the door and shoving walker in like cops do to the people they arrest. kaitlyn pouted and waved goodbye, tracing an imaginary tear falling down her cheek.

"kaitlyn, i don't know about you, but that 'my love' thing just gave me the biggest ick." leena said, fake gagging as they piled into her car.

"well, i would hope so, considering he's your brother." dior pointed out as they laughed. 



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