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"oh, walk." leah got to him first. he was sitting on the floor of his trailer, head buried in his hands. he didn't even try to mask the fact that he was crying, looking up at them with red-rimmed eyes and tearstained cheeks.

"now i might cry." dior laughed, putting an arm around him. 

"tell us your side of the story." charlie leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. "because from where i'm standing, you're the dickhead who fucked my little sister over and basically cheated on her. and don't start with the whole 'we were broken up' because that's bullshit and we all know it wasn't permanent."

"charlie!" leah said. "that's so insensitive!" she glared at him. "and i thought i was your little sister."

he held his hands up. "you both are. walker, start talking. now."

"i didn't want her to kiss me! of course i didn't! i mean, it sounds awful, but i just needed a distraction! i was working up the nerve to go over to kaitlyn's when she texted back. i didn't think she was going to. and when she was about to kiss me, i had my eyes closed, but it was because i knew kaitlyn was at the house somehow. and then she kissed me, and i pulled away and told her that i was sorry but i thought she should leave, and then i heard a crash and a car alarm and i saw kaitlyn running away."

"why did you text her in the first place, man?" aryan said, one of his arms still draped around walker's shoulders for support.

"i don't know." his voice broke again.

charlie sighed and walked over, finally giving walker a hug. "it's gonna be okay. it's not over."

"yeah, i know you guys were just fighting, but the way she was looking at you? she's still head over heels. i can tell." leah offered.

"should i go talk to her now? i mean, it's been an hour."

"talk to her tomorrow." dior said reasonably.

"i miss her." he said softly.

"i know you do. you'll be back together soon. just.. don't post anything dumb on social media, please? i feel like you'd do that, and i don't want-" leah started before seeing a guilty expression on walker's face.

"walker. what did you do." her tone became fearful.

"nothing! nothing at all." walker reached for his phone behind his back. dior reached over and snatched it. "walker why do you have over 100k twitter notifications? walker- OH MY GOD."


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"WALKER WILLIAM SCOBELL." leah exclaimed. "you are the dumbest person alive.

"i love back to december." aryan said quietly, trying to hold in his laugh.

"oh, well. the damage is done. let's see the replies." charlie said, pulling out his own phone and trying not to look at aryan. the girls were in a genuine state of distress and walker was on the verge of bawling again, but he and aryan were struggling to find anything other than humor in this situation.

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