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some of this chapter is inspired by the vanity fair lie detector chapter on "seasons" which is such a good walker fic go check it out!!! they need to update bruh ☹️

"hi, i'm walker scobell." kaitlyn said to the camera, struggling to keep a straight face.

"and i'm kaitlyn bright." walker deadpanned.

"and we're doing the lie detector test with vanity fair." they said in unison before bursting out into a fit of giggles.

"who's going first?" an interviewer asked off-camera.

"not it!" they both put their finger on their nose at the exact same time as the camera crew laughed.

"can we get a slo-mo replay?" kaitlyn asked. 

the camera cut to walker sitting grumpily in the chair.

after asking a few easy questions to calibrate the machine, kaitlyn scanned the list of real questions.

"if you could play any other character on percy jackson, who would you play?" she asked.

"okay, so i've said will and nico in a bunch of interviews, but i was thinking today how cool it would be to play luke. he has so many layers."

"do you think you'd play a better luke than charlie?"

"oh, absolutely not." walker laughed. "charlie's perfect for luke." 

"he's telling the truth." the man in front of the lie detector said.

"who's your celebrity crush?" kaitlyn asked, staring at him. 

"my beautiful girlfriend kaitlyn." he said immediately.

"other than me?" kaitlyn said, rolling her eyes, but her cheeks pinked when she saw the lie detector man give his thumbs up.

"...margot robbie." he said almost as quickly. 

"that's the truth."

kaitlyn pretended to glare at him, then snorted. "it's okay, me too. next one. what's the last song you listened to?"

walker thought for a second, trying to come up with a cool answer. "...i'm not sure. probably something off of my frank ocean playlist."

"that's a lie." 

"what? come on." he threw a hand up.

"i'm going to ask you one more time." kaitlyn leaned forwards, trying to be intimidating, which was hard given that her tiny stature meant that she was barely above walker's head.

"what. song."

"karma by jojo siwa." he said, pretending to be ashamed. kaitlyn burst out laughing.

"that's a lie, too." 

"yeah, fine, it was not like us by kendrick. i just didn't wanna say that because i didn't want to pick sides and have people get all mad at me. kendrick's great, drake's great, future and metro and j. cole are great, we love 21 savage and we saw him at disney world one time. that's it."


kaitlyn nodded. "yeah, it is. we were sharing airpods. oooh." she looked up from the paper and raised her eyebrows. "do i still give you butterflies?"

"no." he grinned as the lie detector guy immediately threw up a thumbs down. "that's a lie."

"awww." she blushed as he reached a hand over and ruffled her hair. "okay, along the same lines, what's your favorite date you've been on?"

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