How did we get here?

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Authors note: I'm so happy that I finally get to write a story! I have the jitters! This chapter is from Orins POV entirely, it's meant to kind of just show the devastation the war has brought, other chapters will be more lively!
Uhhhhh might make more later👍

(No viewpoint)
Fire, the world was on fire. Over four million people were already dead, and it has only been a year since this war started. What had once been a righteous revolution and rebellion against the corrupt world leaders had turned into the largest and deadliest war in history. Some people were calling it "The end" oh but if only they knew, it was just the beginning.

The light flickered, then it flickered again, and again. Or maybe that was just my eyes closing.... Why was I so tired? Oh ya- I haven't slept in a week.
It was so quiet today, no one had spoken on comms, not a word from the 'protected' areas, not even the wind made a noise. Because today- One year ago today this war began.
*I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking of how quickly everything had happened -* I had been thrown into command so fast, was I ready? Is it my fault that 4 million people are already dead? How many more will die?
No. I can't panic, I can't fall down that path, I may not have been ready for this responsibility, but I need to make myself ready.


*I stood in front of a camera, like I had so many times before, but this time the message would be different, this time I wouldn't be lying about how well the war was going and how there was a possible 'diplomatic' solution. This time I didn't have a screen telling me what to say, this time it was really me. Here to honor the dead.*
"Normally I would start this conversation with a cheerful hello..." I began, I glanced off to the side and saw my team, my closest friends, and the love of my life, all here to grieve with me. 'Bee' (Some of the soldiers and higher ups used code names or changed their names when the war began) gave me a cheerful thumbs-up.
"But today there is no room for Joy. Although some wars have had much more losses by the one year mark, these deaths are different. They were unfair, they were brutal. They were cruel." *The screen behind me showed video recordings of many different attacks that had happened over the year. The fall of Russia, the attack on Washington DC, the bombing of Hungary. And the most recent event, the capture of over a million men, currently held hostage.
"Today we grieve."
*The wall behind me fell over, I almost smiled at how beautiful it was, Yet so, so devastating. Millions of people set flowers and personal items into the Nile, lanterns were released into the sky. In every part of the world the same thing was happening, it was beautifully bitter sweet.
"I cannot lie, the losses will not end. The pain will not stop. But I will do everything in my power to make sure the deaths are not in vain! "
The cameras cut and the room once again filled with silence, after a few moments some gave me a smile and walked out, others stayed waiting to come up and speak with me. The first approach was Arin.

"Sir, excellent speech I must say." He said, standing at command. I put my hand up in an 'at ease' gesture.
"Please Arin, we have been friends for a long time there is no need to address me differently."
"Of course si- I mean Orin, I wanted to talk with you about the medical supplies, we're holding up well so far but we need to begin a backup storage in case things get worse." He spoke, he was always straight to the point.
"Arin you are the head of my medical staff and one of my closest friends, you have my blessing to do what you see right with the medical department." I answered, he really should be taking a break, but that's just not how Arin works.
"Thank you Orin, and..." *He raised his hand and set it on my shoulders*
"You're doing a good job." *He gave me a small smile before walking out.* Huh, Was it really so easy to see that I was stressed?
"Yes it is!" A voice behind me answered my inner thoughts and I grinned,
"Well you don't count!" I retorted as I turned to see Alexis walking up to me, her red hair and blue eyes just as stunning as ever, goodness she was beautiful.
"You always were able to read my mind!" I gave her a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.
"You should take a break Orin, go see the city! You can't 'honor the dead' if you're copped up here!" Alexis pointed out the window, the sun glistening over the water of the Nile. Music has begun playing, people were trying to have a good time for those they've lost, a delicious smell drafted through the air-
Goodness gracious! Thank goodness I'm used to that by now or I would've jumped out of my socks! Bee had silently taken a stand beside us, but was now practically leaning out the window to catch the smell.
I grabbed her shirt collar and yanked her back inside, Alexis giggled beside me

"Exactly my point! It's been so long since we've had a fun time! And it's been even longer since THAT one-" Alexis gestured toward Bee "had sugar!"
I sighed, this was a losing battle.
"But does she really need it?" I asked in a last ditch attempt to not have to leave the base, I had important work to be done!
"C'mon boss man! Please?" Bee took matters into her own hands when I hesitated to respond
"I WILL jump out of this window and Into that river if you try to stall any longer >:/" Bee threatened
"She'll do it, and so will I!" *Alexis joined in
I sighed for probably the millionth time that day.
"Fine" I caved in, Alexis and Bee cheered before all but dragging me out of the room and outside, I suppose a bit of fun wouldn't hurt. Besides, we can stop and help those who are grieving, and who knows how much longer 'fun' will be an option.
Hello! Thanks for reading my first ever chapter! I'm sorry if it felt a little fast, I was a bit too excited and just didn't do good time spacing - I promise future chapters will be better! By the way for future reference, not EVERY chapter will be first person (totally not because I suck at writing in first person....) Feel free to make suggestions for the story!

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