A "Ruff" problem ;)

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Authors note: OKAY FOR SOME REASON THIS UPLOADED EARLY - I THINK I PRESSED PUBLISH WHEN I MEANT TO PRESS SAVE IM SO SORRY YALL😭 Thought I'd throw in a funny chapter to get you guys introduced to more characters! Also this series will have heavy angst so enjoy the fluff well you still can >:)
This chapter takes place a day after the last chapter, everyone is helping clean up! Also this chapter has a couple different POV's so enjoy !
**I'm bored!**
Arin visibly restrained from throwing his comm out the window, you could practically see his veins as he took a deep breath before responding
**Tommy!** He said, clearly irritated
**We KNOW you're bored! But we DO NOT CARE!**
**Calm yourself Arin.** Orin interrupted, Arin let out an exasperated sigh
**Why do I have to do extra work again? T^T**
**For the millionth time Tommy, because you didn't do nightshift! Bee had to do it for you!**
They were spread out around the city, helping the citizens clean up after yesterday's events before they once again moved bases. Arin was assisting a local group of scientists as they cleaned up leftover junk in the river, it was supposed to be a calm happy day, but Tommy just kept complaining- and Arin was sick of it.

**Hey it's not my fault! I'm just too Handsome to lose any of my beauty sleep!**
**Debatable.** Bee spoke for the first time,
**I thought you were asleep?**
**How can I sleep over your yapping?**

Arin couldn't help but snicker, he switched his comm off, wanting to just focus on the task at hand. A few minutes passed of this blissful silence, Arin enjoyed Egypt and had already visited the pyramids a few times, and as boring as the others said it was, had collected several water/mud samples around the Neil for studying. In the constant and sudden chaos they had been thrown into since the war began Arin had almost forgotten what peace was like, and this was a nice break-
*CRASH* A loud sound rang through the air, metal clanging, items falling, and several voices called out in surprise.
"Of course something had to go wrong" Arin whispered "something ALWAYS has to go wrong." He stood and quickly dusted his hands off on his pants.
Arin ran up the bank and jogged down the path to the main section where everyone was piling the junk, But instead there was a huge cloud of dust, and when it settled Arin just about gave up for the day. The entire pile had fallen over, luckily it seemed that none had fallen back into the river. Arin was just about to turn and leave when he heard someone calling for a doctor -
"Dang it! Can't a guy catch a break around here!?" Arin called out in frustration before he turned back to the pile of rubble.
Arin climbed over a few smaller piles before coming across a small group of people
"Here, I'm a medical personal. What's the matter?" Arin asked tiredly.
"Oh, thank you!" A young women with dark skin and died hair spoke
"We were on top of the pile, helping move some items up when everything started rumbling, We tried to get off but got caught up in the fall!"
"Was anyone hurt?" Arin asked, their sob story wasn't his problem unless someone was injured.
"No, just a couple of scratches!" One of the young men in the group answered "But Amon seems a bit... Off I suppose."
"How so?" No one needed to answer his question because that's when this 'Amon' decided to speak up. He was rocking back and fourth well clutching his arms in a death grip, he was whispering something barely audible.
"Anubis, I saw Anubis, we're all gonna die! Anubis, Anubis!"
"Woah woah calm down, and stop yapping!"

"You don't understand!" Amon replied, a crazed look in his eye, "Were all gonna Die!"

"Sorry about him" The same young man said as he came to stand beside Arin "He's pretty old fashioned in Egyptian culture and religion, he's convinced himself he saw Anubis when the junk fell." As the man got closer Arin was able to see his nametag more clearly.

"Well Ronin, how about you and your friends get Amon calmed down and back to his house, I'm a doctor not a support group." Arin side marked, Ronin nodded and went to sit beside Amon.

"Finally I can leave." Arin grumbled as he turned away for good this time, he walked along an old dusty road, the sun setting behind him. Everything seemed cheerful, except Arin, But then again that's just the way Arin is.

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