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THE NEXT FULL MOON WAS getting closer and closer, as it was the day of Aemond's decision, while Prince Daemon Targaryen was already on his way to Harrenhal and Jacaerys was sent onto his way to win the three powerful Lords which he did

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THE NEXT FULL MOON WAS getting closer and closer, as it was the day of Aemond's decision, while Prince Daemon Targaryen was already on his way to Harrenhal and Jacaerys was sent onto his way to win the three powerful Lords which he did.

The bird arrived as Aelora and her Blacks mourned Ser Erryk's death and debated the proper response to Aegon's last attack. However, Aelora was still in doubt to attack King's Landing with her dragons, hoping for Aemond's acceptation upon her request. She needed to wait. And she hated every second of it.


"The previous queen on Dragonstone is not a threat," Aemond started in their meeting, mentioning Rhaenyra. "The danger is my uncle. Once Daemon is dead, all these fools flying my sister's banner will run back to their castles and trouble us no more." Aemond still hasn't mention of Aelora's ruling, however. That was until Aegon did,

"What about the whore that is now ruling on Dragonstone? Hm, brother?" He said. Aemond clutched his fists at the sound of his brother calling the woman he loves such names. The one-eyed prince took a deep breath, "We must get rid of her and the dragons she now possesses. Two war dragons, in fact. One of them being known as his own kind eater." Aegon spoke and circled around the table, his eyes following his feet on the floor.


Jacaerys also had a care for the safety of his half-brothers, Viserys and Aegon the Younger, aged seven and nine. The prince took them across the Narrow Sea to the prince of Free City of Pentos, who had agreed to foster the two boys until Aelora has secured the throne.

"Four adult dragons are now defending King's Landing...including Vhagar. Whatever should we do with the she-dragon, your grace?" Rhaenys asked her as they stood around the Painted Table. Aelora bit inside of her mouth with her hands rested on the sides of the table as she leaned towards it, her glance onto the named houses.

Even though she had prayed for Aemond's love for her to be more powerful by his hatred towards her family and the wish he had for the crown, Aelora must be prepared just in case. "No living dragon could match Vhagar," She started, straightening her posture as she glanced to her council.

"Expect Vermithor and Cannibal. The Bronze Fury and the she-dragon never wish to hurt each other by the bound they had created, meaning all I have left is the Cannibal." She spoke. "The bond their riders have, correct, your grace?" Rhaenys reminded her, earning a glare across the table from the queen.

Aelora kept her glance on the Queen Who Never Was before speaking, "Had. The bond and friendship between me and the prince does not concern you, Princess. Not you, nor anyone else." She stated and glanced around her council.

"And what will happen when this 'bond' distracts you from, if there is to come, killing Vhagar and bringing the rider into the doom with her?" Rhaenys questioned again. Aelora took a deep breath and rested her palms on the table,

"That will not happen, Princess, " She simply responded. "Dragons are not horses. They do not easily accept men upon their backs, and when angered or threatened, they attack. Some named me 'A Dragon' with the true Targaryen blood that runs through my veins. I can assure you all, with the anger I feel upon bringing justice for my brother and the ones that have been killed, I will attack...and I will not lose." Aelora added and sent glanced around the room as they all dodged her violet irises and simply lowered their heads.

The Triarchy initially attacked the Velaryon fleet and took them by surprise, they were quickly countered by the arrival of dragons: Jace on Vermax, Addam of Hull on Seasmoke, Nettles on Sheepstealer, and Ulf the White on Silverwing.

Four dragons turned the tide of the battle, laying waste to the Triarchy's fleet, but not before House Velaryon had also suffered heavy losses. One of the sailors had coiled his end of the chain about the mast, and the weight of the ship and the power of Vermax's wingstore a long jagged gash in his belly. The dragon went down smoking and screaming, clawing at the water. Meanwhile, Jacaerys leapt free and hung onto the last heartbeats he had, until some crossbowmen on the nearest Myrsih ship began loosing quarrels at him. The prince was struck multiple times and finally, the last quarrel took him through the neck, and the young prince was swallowed into the sea.


The loss of Jacaerys was delivered to Aelora by one of her younger brother; Aegon the Younger, who had survived while the cause of his brother missing was unknown. Whether he was dead, butchered or drowned, Aelora's ears were shut as the message was delivered to her. She had loved her half brothers even more than the youngest ones. They had grown up together and now, they had left her alone.

Aelora was furious. Her sadness, fear and grief was hidden behind the anger and hatred she had felt. The queen stormed to the exit of the castle, with Rhaenyra who had felt the same way following behind her. "Aelora! Where are you going?!"

Aelora ignored her mother's calls as tears shed from her eyes, but only a furious expression was left on her face. "Please, don't leave me! Aelora!" Rhaenyra yelled as she was out of Aelora's hearings. Vermithor let out a saddened cry as he felt the same as his rider. Aelora was quick to mount the Bronze Fury and order the Cannibal to stay behind.

Rhaenys rushed outside to comfort Rhaenyra as she sobbed on her knees, "Where is she head to?" She asked. Rhaenyra, through her sobs, glanced to Aelora who was already in the sky, "Aelora will herself killed." She whispered. "No," Rhaenys denied with a shook of her head as she held the daughter of her deceased cousin. "She will have them killed."

Aelora clutched onto the spikes of Vermithor, with tears leaving her eyes as she felt her heart break even more. She had waited, and been merciful long enough.

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