Chapter 12

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Leena's pov

By the way this man came and challenge Arjun, it is crystal white clear that he is none other than....... Karna ofcoure.

Drona:- How dare you come in the arena and challenge Arjun. Don't you know that this competition is between Kuru princes?

Karna:- I know aacharya. As long as this competition was between Kuru princes, I was sitting silent. But seeing two or four games of Arjuna, you got so excited that you appealed to the whole world...You declared Arjuna to be the best archer in the whole Aryavarth. And I am a part of this Aryavarth. And that's why the task of saving the pride of many archers of this Aryavarth has fallen on my shoulders.

Wait!!!.... why didn't i realize that I am also one of the Archers and just now I got defeated without even participating? ... I'm with you Karna. You nice, keep going.

Karna:- Either you announce that Arjun is great only in Kuru princes or tell him to accept my appeal and enhance the glory of your education.

Arjun:- Do you have a weapon in your hand or only in your mouth?

After Arjun said this, Karna didn't even glance at him and his full focus was on Dronacharya.

Karna:- What are you thinking Acharya. Do you not trust your disciple or your teaching?

Drona:- I think I know you... Are you the one who came to get the education from me?

Karna:- No aacharya, that kid had died that day only when you didn't accepted him as your student.

Then a man sitting beside Maharaj Dhristhrashtra said.

Man:- you were lucky child. Otherwise there was no thumb on your right hand.. There are many ways to become great, some try and some guile.

What!.. Is he Shakuni? Because the way he said those words and by the way he walk while saying those words. It is clear that he is Shakuni. Because Shakuni can't walk normally as he have wound on one of his leg.

Arjun:- As a warrior fights and a murderer gives poison. Is this what you want to say mamashree?

That was a great reply. I wonder what would happen if we close these two in one room and lock the door from outside. We will able to hear one better than the other, insults from the inside. Wait!!.... what would happen if we lock Bheem and Shakuni in one room? I don't have to tell.. right?

Shakuni:- you are right, that was what I was trying to say..

Shakuni:- But Pandav kumar rejection of an appeal is an insult to your teacher. You should accept it.

Arjun:- it was accepted that time only when this appeal was given..

Then another person sitting beside Bhishma Pitamah said. I think he is Rajguru of Hastinapur.

Rajguru:- Kumar Arjun, First we will have to know who this man is? His name, his identity. Because a rajkumar cannot fight with any person unless that person is a King or a rajkumar... Who are you man? You didn't gave your introduction.

Karna:- I am mahamahim Bhishma's charioteer Adhirath sushane's son, Karna.

Rajguru:- Sut.. so you are sutputr. How dare you learn archery even when you are a sutputr?

Then Karna and all started fighting regarding his caste. Can't they just let him fight and appreciate his talent? I can't stand this cheap mentality.

They all were arguing with each other, when a man in his 50s or 60s came in the arena and joined his hands infront of the Rajguru and said.

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