~Can I have a mother?~

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My sweet little Georgia. She just started second grade didn't she? Oh? Senior? Well Jesus Christ I've been in the slammer for longer than I thought. Speaking of which have you guys seen anybody around that goes by the name, Charves? He owes me 20,000 dollars and I'm going to dig his eye out with a spoon when I find him. Sorry. Back to Georgia. You know I always liked her the best because I always thought she looked just like me. Hot and bothered.

- Grammy Gallagher

"Are you sure it's okay I stay here? Just until things cool down at home." Karter and I walked into my house as Debbie's baby sitting kids ran out the door. "Of course it is." Sheila and Jody were setting up their home for Karen and Jody's wedding reception and to say the smell was gruesome would be an understatement. Sheila was keeping the fish that was going to be served in the bathtub. If only everyone else who was going knew.

"Well look who finally decided to show up." My mouth dropped as I looked out across the living room and saw my Grammy sitting in the kitchen. How was she out of prison? "Well aren't you gonna come and give your grammy a hug." Honestly I had always been a big fan of my grammy and not just because she had told me on numerous occasions I was her favorite. She was a smart business woman who was cut throat until her meth lab accidentally blew up and killed her assistants. But hey, shit happens right?

"And who's this?" Grammy asked as we released from the hug. "Boyfriend I assume?" She was looking at Karter. "Good friends. I'm Karter." Huh. Good friends wouldn't do what we did last night, but that's neither here nor there. "Well Karter, I'm Grammy. I'm glad you're both here I need your help."

"With what" I asked, sitting down next to her at the kitchen table. "Do either of you know this man?" I peered over her shoulder and looked down at her phone. I froze as I saw who it was. Charves. Like sweet little man who we gave icecream to, to give my family protection, Charves. "Well, do ya?" She asked us again. "No clue." Karter responded. "Same." I followed quickly. "But why? What did he do?"

"Stole twenty grand from me and told the feds it was my meth lab." Grammy had a menacingly look in her eye. "I brought that little dough boy in and treated him like family just for him to betray me. So when I find him I'm going to dig his eye out with a spoon and feed it to his dogs." I looked over at Karter who looked over at me with the same horrid expression. When Grammy said she was going to do something, she meant it. "How do you know he didn't leave the state?"

"That pussy? He was too scared to leave the Illinois border to do a drug run to Missouri. I know he's still here. I can feel it." The way Charves presented himself to me and Mandy was way different than how my Grammy was describing him now. But if I told her where he was then mine and Mandy's protection from Lyndsey's family would be gone and there would probably be a hit out on me. But if I didn't tell her and she found out I did know him then she'd dig my eye out with a spoon. My grammy hated liars. I had to talk to Charves and get the full story.


I caught Mandy up on what I had found out as we made our way to Charves's home. "So he's a snitch? And I've been spending all my money bringing Oreo ice cream to a snitch once a week." Charves's payment type was a little unorthodox. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions right away. My Grammy is known to twist the truth. How do you think she's out right now? She convinced the warden she's dying so they'd give her medical furlough."

"She sounds like just like my uncle Bob. He had his entire cell block convinced he was a 3000 year old vampire and the only way he wouldn't suck their blood while they were sleeping was if they gave him all their commissary."

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