~Frank the Plank~

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Georgia. She's a huge help around the house. I'm very grateful for her. When Monica and Frank brought her and Lip home from the hospital I held her and then dropped her on the floor must be why Lips the smart one. Every time she comes home with an F I feel guilty. Good thing she's still hot.


"Movie time," I yelled walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. Everyone was scattered around looking for a spot. I decided to sit by Karen. Lip invited her I think he likes her or whatever. Funny how he never noticed her before she got the dental surgery.

She used to have a big ass gap between every single one of her teeth on her top row. Kinda nasty. Lip handed me a burger from Shake and stop and then pushed me off the chair so he could sit by Karen. "Asshole."

I got back up and sat on the floor. Front row seats I guess. Steve was back too. He offered his seat but I declined because Fiona mouthed no from the other side of him.

After 10 minutes into the movie which was actually super interesting, Frank walked in with blood all over him. "Frank, are you good," Steve asked sitting up. Frank ignored him and walked towards the kitchen. "Hey, is that my shirt," Ian got up and asked him.

"Yeah," Frank said. Ian started backing up but then Frank head-butted him into the coffee table which caused blood to come pouring out of his nose. Steve got up and started fighting with Frank while Veronica and Fiona helped Ian.

Debbie went to go get the pan so Lip had to go stop her from hitting him. I got up from the ground and got my spot back by Karen. "Casual day in the Gallagher household," I said turning up the sound on the t.v.

Fiona ended up kicking Steve out after Frank called him a premenstrual Filipino.

Karen left after a while said this house messes up her will to live and I didn't object. So I went upstairs to see what my brothers were talking about. "Gay heaven," Lip said as I walked in. "What is?"

"Jail, if Ian killed Frank," Lip said. Lip rolled up some weed and passed it to Ian so he could get a smoke before he had to leave for work.

After he left I took the smoke out of Lip's hand and started smoking it. "Hey, I thought you were gonna quit," Lip asked me. "If you actually thought that then you're more retarded than I thought," I said walking out.

I walked by Frank's room to see him making a mess of all his clothes. "Oh hey, kid beater," I said smirking. "I have no time for you and stop smoking it rots your brain," He said back taking the smoke from me and walking out.


Me and Lip were playing footsies while cutting out the coupons for Fiona's next store visit. Over a hundred so far. Ian walked in with his normal stolen goods from the delivery truck. Milk, cream bean dip.

"Don't forget Veronica's coupons," Debbie told Ian before he walked out. "Yeah, I got it."

Debbie started reading off the coupons to Fiona while I started feeding Liam cheerios. Fiona walked over to the mail pile and started digging through until she stopped at a piece. "Hey, Georgia, Lip, either of you see Frank?"

"No," We replied at the same time. We looked at each other before he pushed me off my chair. He is too violent.

There was a knock at the door so Lip got it. In came Mister Steve with coffee and doughnuts. I got my coffee and first pick of the doughnuts. I always get glazed. "Who opens a box of doughnuts and goes for the glazed one first," Steve asked me.

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