~Its time to kill the turtle~

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I mean she's a Gallagher. Not the smartest. Not the stupidest, but definitely the wildest. One time I caught her hanging out of a third-story window. That's the last time I ever go to the south side. Them some scary folk. I would get fired if my boss read this but...she's pretty hot.
                                  ~science teacher Mr. Johnston

"I'm going to the store today people. If you need anything you better tell me now," Fiona announced walking down the hallway.


"Toilet paper!"

"Yeah actually. How about shampoo? If you expect me to wash my hair then you better have something to wash it with," I said sticking my head out of the shower just to be met with Lip opening the door with a dirty diaper Liam.

"Oh ew. Have you never heard of personal space," I said. "Have you ever heard of the ass waits for no woman...or in this case man."

I flipped him off and continued washing my hair with the very little shampoo left in the bottle. I overheard a talk about a taser and a party but it all slipped my mind as I thought about more important things. Aka what I was gonna do if I saw Lindsay at school today.

"Georgia fucking Gallagher. If you don't get your ass down here in 2.4 seconds we're leaving without you," Mandy yelled upstairs.

I mean I definitely didn't want to walk alone considering Lindsay was on the loose so I ran out of the bathroom, put on a shirt and pants, and then tripped down the stairs. But it all worked out because I still got to walk to school with Mandy and Ian.

"I was like girl you're not using my eyeliner if you have pink eye. And then she said fine we're not friends anymore. And that's the story on how me and Karen Jackson are no longer friends."

"All because you wouldn't let her use your eyeliner?" I asked. "Mmhh. Hey, Ian are you listening?"

"No sorry," he confessed. "What's wrong with you?"

He looked at me before he answered. "I slept with someone. Not Kash."

"What?" Mandy and I said at the same time. "Yeah, I know. Don't ask who though he's on the down-low."

"Whatever you say, Gallagher," Mandy replied. The conversation was over but my curiosity for whoever it was, was not.

"The wrong Gallagher picked me up from school today," Karen said stopping at my locker. "Oh shoot I'm so sorry. I uh walked with Ian and Mandy today."

"Mandy huh? You two sure have gotten close. Just know that if you ever get pink eye she won't be there for you," Karen said with an obvious hint of jealousy.

"Listen let me make it up to you. Burgers after school?" I asked her. "I would but Lip asked me to come to look at this college with him."

"A college huh? Well, that's news to me," I replied. "Yeah, I guess. Are you still gonna apply for that dance school?"

"I mean yeah I sent in an application, but I haven't heard back so it's probably no," I sighed. "Don't lose all hope. Maybe they just haven't gotten to yours yet."

She could be right...or she could be wrong. I guess I have a real talent for dancing. Fiona told me to apply so I did. I won't be surprised if I never get an answer. I'm good but I'm definitely not going to school for dancing good.

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