~Daddyz girl~

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She's probably the best person in this world and I know she'd never hurt me like my stupid fucking dad does. Do you know he whore shamed me? Anyways back to Georgia, she's great and probably has the best boobs I've ever seen, she's really hot.
                                                    ~daddy's whore Karen

"Hey, do you have a sweater I can borrow?" Fiona asked me walking into my room followed by Debbie. "Yeah sure. Take whatever you want." I replied nose deep in a magazine. "What? You want something in there?" Fiona asked me going through my closet. "No, I'm doing research," I said back highlighting an article.

"Ok?" Fiona replied walking out with Debbie trailing behind her. Actually, I was doing a research paper on 'anxiety' and lucky for me I found a magazine at the store which said anxiety in big letters.

"Hey, you wanna go visit Grammy?" Lip asked me walking into my room. "Why would you wanna go visit her?" I asked setting my magazine down. "Fiona said she might know something about Ian's real dad." He replied.

"Yeah, sure. I need a break from this magazine anyways." I said following him out the door. "Ok, but first we gotta go to Karen's house to see if she wants to come with us."

"-and it bit me," Ian said finishing his story. Ian and I waited outside Karen's house while Lip went in to get her. "You know maybe you shouldn't have ignored the sign that said vicious dog beware," I replied.

Lip slammed the front door to Karen's house as he walked out grabbing both our attentions. "What's wrong? Where's Karen?" Ian asked him. "She's not coming."

I knew Karen had been skipping school and going on kind of a dark streak since what happened with her dad, but I didn't think it was to the point where she and lip would fight.

The walk to the bus stop was silent before Ian started talking again. "I don't even know why we're looking for him. He's probably a douchebag." Lip took out a cigarette and popped it in. "He can't be any worse than frank. Might even give you some money, or a car even." I skipped in front of both of the boys so they'd hear me. "Maybe even a birthday card once a year."

We all walked up to the bus stop and sat down. "Do we know any cool dads?" Ian asked the group. "Morgan Fraker's dad. But he's in jail for pushing an old lady in front of a car." I sighed. 


"Grams it's us. Lip, Ian, and Georgia. Your grandkids." Lip said into the holes in the screen of the jail visitation room. "Well look at you three. Aren't you some of the most good-looking kids I've seen." She chuckled. I gave her a tight-lipped smile "How's it going in there, Grams?"

"Good. I can get blow anytime I like." She replied with a smirk. I shook my head in approval. "So Grams. We wanted to know about Frank's brothers. There's three right?" Lip asked. "Who wants to know?"

Lip and Ian both told her about Monica, while I looked at the tattoo around her neck, I never realized she had one until now. "So I give you their names, you give me a carton of cigarettes every week." Grams offered. "You can get blow in here but not cigarettes?" Lip asked her. 

She smiled and shrugged "Clayton, Jerry, and my baby Wyatt. They're in the book. But don't bother with Wyatt he lost his testicles in the Navy." Grams said before an officer grabbed her and told her it was time to go. "Oh! And you tell Jerry if he doesn't give me back that 5 grand he stole, I'll have my ex-husband gouge his eyes out with a spoon."


"Your hair! It's completely black." I exclaimed walking down the stairs seeing Karen in her new basement cave. "Yeah and look at this," Karen said excitedly showing me her lower arm which had the word whore tattooed on it.

I looked back up at her and then at her tattoo. "Are you ok, Karen?" I asked her. "Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?" She asked me. "You're just acting different, like a bad different," I said. "What the hell is wrong with you Georgia. You and Lip are supposed to be my best friends and you're both treating me like garbage. So either get in this picture so I can post it on Daddyz Girl or get the hell out."

I sighed before walking over and getting in the picture with her. 

After 20 minutes of watching her make a video for Daddyz Girl, I walked upstairs to go find Karter. He was in his room, watching tv. "Hey," I said knocking on the door. "Hey back." He replied moving his arms so I could sit by him. I closed the door behind me and fell into his lap.

"Your sister is really going crazy down there," I said rubbing my head. "Yeah, I know. I'm so pissed at my dad I'm not even fishing with him anymore." Karter replied back eyes wide. I broke into a fit of laughter at how serious Karter was about it.

"Wow, you really showed him."


"Family reunions are for families," Lip said walking up to Frank's brother's house. We were on a mission to find Ian's dad today. Lip knocked on the door and the person who opened looked exactly like Frank. "Holy shit," I said. "Yeah?" The man asked.

"We're Lip, Ian, and Georgia. Frank Gallagher's kids." Lip replied. Jerry, Frank's brother mumbled some cuss words before slamming the door in our faces. "Rude." I sighed. Lip went to go knock again but Ian stopped him "What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to get some answers," Lip said going to knock but being stopped again this time by me. "Who would want this dick to be their dad?" I said, Ian nodding. "We came all this way, and I'm getting answers," Lip replied pushing us out of the way and knocking on the door. "I've got a shotgun and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Alright, that's all the answers I need." 


I stayed in the car, as Lip and Ian went into the next house. My reasoning was I didn't want to see another shotgun, but it was actually out of jealousy. If the person who lived in this mansion was Ian's dad, I'd be so jealous. Why do I have to be stuck with Frank as a father? Why can't I live in houses like this? 

I turned on the radio to drown out my thoughts, but 15 minutes later I heard the backseat car door open and Ian get in. "No luck?" I asked him. He didn't respond. "Nope, that was definitely his dad," Lip said getting into the front seat.

"Then what the hell are you still doing here?" I asked him. "You could actually have a good life, instead of slumming it with us." Ian shifted in his seat but still didn't respond. "I've already told him this, he's just too fucking stupid to realize how good of a chance this is." 


"Do you kids know this car is registered as stolen?" An officer asked Lip. Oh my god, we just got pulled over and this car is fucking stolen. Great just great. After a back and forth conversation between the officer and Lip, he made us get out of the car and handcuff us.

Het set us down all on a curb as he called for backup. "Are you fucking serious Lip? Is stealing cars the job I would have no expertise in?" Lip gave me a tight-lipped smile causing me to roll my eyes.

"Well well, Steve. A stolen car is a felony." Tony said walking over to us but when he noticed it was us, he let out a sigh. 

"Hey, Tony. How's your day been?"

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