Chapter 1

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Colette's POV

I walk out through the hospital doors trying to get to my truck as tears run down my my face. How ironic is it that I lose my parents to cancer, they died on their respective birthdays and were found dead on their anniversary two weeks later because their stupid nurses didn't check on them and their health.

As I get to my truck I wipe away my tears from my face and take a deep breath before finally getting into my truck yet somehow despite sitting in the driver seat I can't seem to be able to start the engine because as I still in the truck memories hits me like a flash because this truck wasn't originally mine, it belonged to Scout Harper- my dad.

I try to calm myself down so I don't trigger a panic attack and start hyperventilating and scaring people around the parking lot.

After about five minutes of breathing exercises I start the truck and start driving back home to try and figure out what I'm gonna do with my parents house since they lived on the country side near a big lake.

After about an hour of driving I  park my truck and start walking because my parents house aka the house I grew up in is about a 10 minute walk from the parking lot and when I finally get to the house I'm thankful that Mr Kragh, my parents overly ...

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After about an hour of driving I park my truck and start walking because my parents house aka the house I grew up in is about a 10 minute walk from the parking lot and when I finally get to the house I'm thankful that Mr Kragh, my parents overly friendly yet suspicious neighbor across the lake isn't home so I walk inside the house and get ready to shut down my emotions to make a decision if I should stay in this house or sell it and move to the city.

While my parents house or rather my house is hidden away by trees and bushes my next door neighbor on the left side of the of my house and on the other side of my little wood like surrounding lives Zealand Jonas, a cute but gentle giant of a cowboy who raises big horses like Clydesdale,Jutland,Shire and many other big and tick sized horses who normally doesn't get the recognition they deserve because of how 'big and dangerous' they are which eventually puts a smile on my face and makes me decide to stay and live in my childhood home...after all it's not everyday you get to ride a horse and it doesn't hurt that those horses care giver happens to be a cute cowboy.

The next morning I wake up and hopped directly into the shower to get ready to hopefully secretly sneak in to Zealand's yard to watch him in action as he works with the horses.

After walking through the woods between my house and Zealand's ranch while feeling like little red riding hood I finally see the fence surrounding the ranch I walk to the training grounds I sit on the fence just as Zealand comes out of the stable leading a white shire stallion named Windy- Windy is from Iceland but was brought to Zealand's ranch after Zealand's grandfather gifted him Windy after Windy's old owner retired from riding.

As I continue to watch Zealand while secretly praying that he doesn't notice me ogling him as he works but with my bad luck he notices me immediately "well well well if it isn't
Colette Harper, how are you doing Sunshine?" He winks towards me while tilting his cowboy hat down while I try to hide my face hearing him call me sunshine with that southern accent.

"Why don't you come over here and give Windy some love while I bring him some treats for the stable" he says with a smile obviously trying to act innocent as if he didn't know his accent didn't have a effect on me but I did as he asked and walked over to Windy that calmly watching me walk towards him while Zealand walked into the stable.

"Well don't you look pretty all dolled up in pink?" I say to the white shire as I pet him and braid his mane. "The reason why Windy his wearing pink reins is because when I sent Windy to the vet, vet thought Windy was a girl because the vet normally gets visits from Windy's sister Winona so the vet naturally gave Winona's reins to Windy when he visited the vet yesterday for a check up" I hear Zealand's voice as he comes up to me and Windy.

"How come I have never seen Winona?" I ask while avoiding making eye contact with Zealand by braiding Windy's mane as Zealand gives Windy some carrots as he answers my question "that's because Winona is resting in her stall due to an injury that happened a couple of days ago so she is resting in the stable" he points to the stable to show me as another white shire sticks out her head out of her stall and neighing as if to make her presence known which makes me smile.

Me and Zealand spend the rest of the day together as he introduces me to all the other horses on the ranch which makes me happy that I decided to stay here on the countryside and not move into the city.

"Alright Sunshine I think it's time to get you home" Zealand says to me as he watches me yawn for the tenth time which makes me give a tired smile which leads to me accidentally close my eyes for a little bit to long but thankfully Zealand catches me before I hit the ground.

Despite being tired and feeling like I could easily fall asleep in Zealand's arms I try to get him to put me down but no matter how many times I tell him that I can walk on my own he still refuses to put me down and before I know it we are standing outside of my house as he finally puts me down so I can open the door to the house.

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