Chapter 4

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Zealand's POV

I watch as Jaxton parks the truck goes out to open the trailer door to let Diablo out "A little help here Zealand" I hear him say as he turns to me "oh I didn't see you there I'm Jaxton but you can call me Jax" he sends Colette a wink which makes her roll her eyes but she gives him a smile "I'm Colette" she greets Jaxton back shortly.

Turning back towards Colette "Sunshine now that Jaxton and Diablo is here can you do something like braid the other horses manes or something because I don't want you around Diablo in case he gets out of control" she nods understanding my worry for her when it comes to her safety yet I can't bring myself to look away until I'm sure she has gotten out the arena and into the stable.

"oh someone got a crush on his neighbor" Jaxton taunts me as take deep breath knowing I need to focus working with Diablo and not the platinum blonde blue eyed ray of sunshine that just walked past me 10 seconds ago.

"oh someone got a crush on his neighbor" Jaxton taunts me as take deep breath knowing I need to focus working with Diablo and not the platinum blonde blue eyed ray of sunshine that just walked past me 10 seconds ago

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I start walking towards the open trailer knowing that Diablo is inside it as Jaxton fallows behind me with Diablo's blood red reins "Alright what do you have on Diablo?" I ask Jaxton "No one has been able to tame him and which means he has been going from one ranch to the other and if you don't get him to be used to people riding him because if you don't Diablo is going to be put down for being to aggressive"

I nod listen to him explain Diablo's situation as I bring him out of the trailer slowly to not accidentally spook him and as he looks around I can clearly tell that he is either unimpressed or irritated that he has to deal with yet another cowboy.


About an hour later I finally managed to get Diablo to be a little less on edge but still a little uncomfortable so I start walking around with him to let him get familiar with his surroundings but before I get the chance to start walking Jaxton who was inside making us some dinner comes running "dude some kids fired some smoke bombs as they rode near the sable which spooked the horses and Helios almost attacked Colette" I give Diablo's reins to him as I hurry to the horse stalls to check on Colette.

"Sunshine are you here?" I call out to her but don't get any response besides the occasional sound of sniffles only to find her hiding behind a wall of hay.

I decided to just sit beside her and let her go through her emotions as I hug her to try and calm her down "I'm sorry if Helios scared you, I should have known that those kids would probably ride by today and try to piss me off by scaring
the horses but to think they would actually go through with scaring the horses obviously seeing that you are in the stable with the horses" I feel take a deep breather before speaking "No Zealand it wasn't yours or Helios fault he was just reacting to the smoke bombs and I was in his way" even after almost being stomped by a horse she still defends the horse instead of blaming it "Sunshine you have got to be the most kindest person I have ever met" I give her a kind smile as she laughs while whipping away her tears.

"how about we go back out there so I can but Diablo in a stall so we can go back inside to eat since Jaxton made dinner " she stands up and brushes off non existent dirt of her clothes before she starts walking and I fallow after her so I can take Diablo into a stall.

I take the reins from Jaxton and walk with Diablo and put him in a stall farthest away from the other horses and then I go back in to the house to see Colette sitting on the couch with my cat who is a Turkish angora named Casper sitting in her lap "I see Casper likes you" she laughs as she continues to pet Casper who is making himself comfortable on her lap.

I take the reins from Jaxton and walk with Diablo and put him in a stall farthest away from the other horses and then I go back in to the house to see Colette sitting on the couch with my cat who is a Turkish angora named Casper sitting in her lap...

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as me and sit on the sofa together and acting like Casper is our son but Jaxton interrupts us "Alright lovebirds dinner is ready" we snap out of the moment we just had and we go to sit at the dinner table and eat while Casper goes for his bowl of food.

After dinner and after the dishes are done Jaxton is the first one to leave and then I decided to fallow Colette home to make sure she is home safely but as we get to her house for the second time she thankfully goes inside before Mr Kragh doesn't see us because I know danm well that I will literally lose my shit if he stops me from making sure that Colette gets home safely because he creeps both me and Colette out.

when I get back to my ranch I go into the stall to see what kind of those kids did with the smoke bombs used but thankfully they didn't do any harm or damage besides scaring both Colette and the horses so I clean up all the plastic that the smoke bombs were made of and then I go back inside to get ready for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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