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Sirius somehow managed to track Regulus's cousin-by-marriage, whom he had hung out with for his entire year. The boy looked up at him, frowning.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Evan asked, acting calm and collected.

"My brother," Sirius said. "Regulus."

Evan stared at Sirius, remaining emotionless, saying nothing.

"Come on. I know you don't like me, but..."

"I'm not sure where you got the idea I don't like you from," Evan said, "But you don't have a brother."

"Please try again," the voice said almost as if mocking him.

Sirius stared, then, "Yes, yes, I do."

"Has the Black family madness gotten to you?" Evan asked, but then his eyes blinked. "Oh! You mean Potter? You lost Potter, Black?"

"Very funny," Sirius let out a sigh.

"Last I checked, he was stalking Evans in the library."

"He doesn't stalk Evans."

"Well, from what Snape tells me, his attention is certainly unwanted."

"Shouldn't believe everything that Snape tells you, Evan," Sirius said, taking off and heading towards the library. Finding James proved relatively easy as James and Remus were studying, and James thought of ways to approach Lily while dealing with Lily's friend Snape. He spoke low. "James?"

"Yeah?" James looked up at him, chin resting on one hand.

"Have you seen Regulus?"


"My brother."

James fell silent while Remus gave him a strange look.

"Please don't tell me..."

"Sirius, you don't have a brother. You're a single child like I am."

"Please try again," went the ever cruel voice.

Sirius took a deep breath, walking over to Lily and Snape while James called out. "Hey. Don't..."


"What?" Lily asked, sounding somewhat annoyed, but then, there was that habit of picking on her friend Snape and James that she'd never liked until she and Snape stopped being friends because Snape went to the dark side—big time.

"Where is that Muggleborn from Regulus' year?"

"Who and who?" Lily asked.

"Please try again."

"Now, it's just being cruel because I know I have a brother, but it removed my brother from existence. If this wasn't to make amends with Regulus, to have a second chance, let alone say goodbye, then what is it?

Sirius turned on his heels, heading out of the library.

"Sirius, wait."

"I want to be left alone," Sirius said. Sirius headed towards the nook, the last place he'd seen Regulus and—

He crawled in.

It felt like the best place to go and bury his head.


"Go away, James," Sirius muttered.

There came a sigh. "Not going away. When you want to talk, I'm right here."

"What is there to talk about when you won't believe me? When you think my baby brother doesn't exist? But then..." A thought hit him in the gut. "How many times did I pretend Regulus didn't exist during our Hogwarts years, only for things to end the way they did? Is this my punishment in death, my hell? To have a life where he doesn't exist?"

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