Chapter 2 Xavier

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''Ahh yes, the smell of fresh made coffee''. Who doesn't love to drink some coffee in the Monday morning before going to work.

I take a sip from my coffee that I just ordered, then I put my coffee on the table and i search for my laptop in my bag. While my laptop is slowly starting up I grab my notebook.

My phone start buzzing, who is calling me?.  Than I answer the phone.

"Hello, who is this?".

I hear a hyped voice saying "Hey Buddy!".

Its my best friend Axel,  he is my best friend and ceo from the police.

"Xavier, we have a new case and it's a big one!".

A big one? I haven't read my mail yet, Axel always send me an email with all the details for the case.

I took a sip from my coffee and start reading the email that I received from him.

I read in the document that a father named William made a report to the police office. The document says that he found his family dead in bed. He had two children at the age four and six and his wife was thirty two years old. William said he came home from his night shift, when he wanted to sleep with his wife she didn't answer him. He thought she was in deep sleep than he checked with his finger by her nose to see if she still breathed. After he noticed she didn't breathe he checked on his children but they also didn't answer and didn't breathe in their sleep. So he made an assumption someone got in his house and killed his family.

The police suspect William but they don't get any information out of him or find any proof that he killed his own family.

"Xavier, I was thinking to give you this case your after all the son of the known big detective Harry".

"There hasn't been a case you could not solve on your own".

I guess Axel is right, I have solved a lot cases for the police in the past when we were co workers.  After all my goal is to be like my dad the big known detective, I want to honor him as a son and make him proud.

That's why I take over now my dads work, but also because I want to do it myself too.

My mom isn't really happy that I decided to follow the same path as my dad, but I will prove her I won't end up the same way dad did. I've been thinking it very clearly if I wanted to take over dads image, I am going to give it my all.

"Alright Axel!, I take over this case".

"As the Ceo from the police, I am glad to have you by my side Xavier!".

I started with some research about the case and read some newspaper about this situation with William.

Than I grab a pencil and write every detail from the case and information in my notebook.

I want to take another sip of my coffee and noticed its empty, well shit I prefer enjoying coffee and research at the same time.

I decided to put my stuff back in my bag and drive to my mom's place.

When I arrive at her house I walk to the front door, at the same time I fix my tie from my suit that I always wear. She opens the door with a big smile. "Xavier, you're here!".

I gave my mom a kiss on her cheek and gave her a big bouquet with beautiful white roses.

She immediately told me to join a table while she is getting us a drink.

"Xavier, guess what I made for you". She said with a soft smile.

When she walked into the living room, I noitice a recognizable smell 'Chocolate'.

"Mhmmm, let me guess.. chocolate?". Mom start nodding her head, than she put the hot chocolate in front of my nose.

I start laughing "Hahaha, with marshmallows don't you think I am a bit to old for that?".

"Och please Xavier, stop complaining this was ur favorite when you were a kid you loved it".

I took a sip and thanked my mom while showing her a bit appreciation.

After that she looked at me with a concern face, I asked her if she is doing okay.

She start shaking her head, than she asked me how my career goes.

"Mom, please don't worry about me, my career goes fineee. I promised you I wont make any mistakes like dad you wont lose me".

Than she looked out the window. "I just don't want to lose another person in my life, I already lost ur dad and I don't like it your taking over ur dads image and work".

I told her I do understand her feelings but I also explained her I did think very clearly what I want, after all I want to honor him and I want to do it myself too.

When I finished talking to her and spending time I went back to my own apartment.

After I finished my research about William it was very late midnight time already, I head to bed because I  am goddamn tired.

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