Chapter 4 Xavier

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It's 8Am in the morning and my phone starts ringing, I wake up slowly with a frowned face and I pick up the phone with a half sleepy grumpy voice.

"Hello... who is calling me this early in the morning, for fucking sake its 8Am you have nothing else to do or call me later?".

"GooOoDmorning buddy, I didn't mean to disturb you're sleeping beauty moment.  Got any time to meet up with me ' now' at the police station?".

Goddamn it Axel its 8Am, sometimes I wonder how this guy has so much hyped energy in the morning...

I am definitely not a morning person myself just let me peacefully sleep in.

"I guess I have no other chance right now I am fully awake....".

"Great! hold that energy Xavier, see you soon at the police station."

I grabbed my notebook with the research that I collected yesterday evening/midnight, than I start my car and I drive to the police station. I walked inside the building and I went to the office from Alex.

''Xavier you're here! Thanks for showing up on time, lets have a talk you would never guess what I experienced yesterday''.

Axel started talking and he told me that yesterday two females appeared at the police office with a case that got closed three years ago. The case was about a suicide atleast that was the assumption the police made back then. Apparently it was not a suicide, it was something way more serious.

Were talking here about a murder and a crime. Axel told two other police agents to research about Steven and the drugs gang.

They found out Steven died already two years ago because of drugs overdose, the police found him laying dead on the floor with foam in his mouth.

About the drugs gang  the police never got to know about their gang until yesterday.

One of the police agent contacted the parent from Steven and received some information.

With that information some agents found the gang members and brought them to jail.

'' So about those females... one is the mom from James and the other girl who is she again?''.

''I am just wondering, Axel did she tell you how they found the letter from James?''.

Axel told me that the girl that brought James mom to the police with the letter, is called Kittya.

She found the letter because of her gift... communicating with the dead and that's how they found the letter??? Well shit what a funny ass story.

''Do you really believe her story Axel?''. While I gave him a side eye.

''Well what's also a coincidence... yesterday I was calling with my female friend Rachael. I told her about the girl Kittya and the situation that I experienced yesterday evening''.

''Yea so?''.

He told me that Rachael is the best friend from Kittya, and then Rachael told Axel that her spiritual best friend isn't a scammer and is born with a real special gift. So Axel does trust his female friend words.

Ughhh... I have my doubts man, I don't believe in that shit at all. A person talking to a ghost that leads her to the letter from James? Don't be ridiculous.

''She talked to James and he showed her the place where he hided is letter, atleast that's what Kittya told me yesterday''.

''HAHAHA, do you hear yourself Axel? Do you really believe that shit?''.

''I don't know I never talked to this Kittya girl personal, beside that everything is possible these days and we haven't found out the unknown in this world''.

I told Axel I wanted to meet up with Kittya in person, to see if she is honest and for real. After all I work with logical situations I need to see prove before I trust someone else words. I may be a skeptical person but its not that wrong to be skeptical.

''I am looking forward to meet Kittya, do you want to join me when I visit her? Its going to be really funny you don't want to miss this Axel''.

Axel sighed  ''Sure I will join you but please don't be an ass to this girl, I know you don't believe in this paranormal things just be open minded and respect it a bit''.

I gave him a big smile '' Yeah, don't worry''.

When I almost ended the talk with Axel I told him I printed my research about William and put it on his up desk, Than I walked out the office and I started thinking about the talk we had. When I left the building I started laughing very hard and shaking my head, this girl is going to be something really interesting.

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