Chapter 8 Xavier

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Ughhh 8Am so early.... I start feeling a little bit regret that I decided to work again and solve cases, I prefer starting around 1Pm so that I can sleep in.

Now I am here being half sleepy grabbing some coffee at the canteen where every police officer start their day.

"GoOoOdMoRnInG Buddy!, what an excited day. Your going to work together with Kittya".

Damnnn I keep being surprised and confused how someone always can be this positive and energetic in the morning...

Ohh, ofcourse I forgot that I agreed working together with Kittya, I agreed because Axel didn't shut up last night when we were spending time in a bar together. So I decided to accept his suggestion because he was very impressed and enthusiastic about her.

"Good morning Axel, I definitely didn't forget about her at all..".

"She will be any moment here, Xavier will you and Kittya go to William I have an appointment around the time you guys will interrogate him".

"Fine will do".

Than a female police colleague shows up.

"Axel, here is miss Kittya she was searching for you guys".

"Ha! Britt, thanks for guiding Kittya to us. We were just talking about her that Xavier will take her to William".

When Britt and Axel left the room

I looked at Kittya and she was already looking at me with a worried face expression.

Than I gave her a confused face expression back while I lift up one of my eyebrows, after that ask me a question.

"Are you feeling okay?, last time you left so fast... I didn't mean to be rude or make you feel upset about your dad".

" Nah, its fine. I just had a shitty day and things got too much".

"Lets go to William we need to solve his case about his family are you a little bit familiar with it?".

She starts nodding at me

"I will grab some stuff that we need you can go ahead, we need to get him out of the jail and bring him to another room. Walk this door out than go right at the end of the hallway go left and just walk straight and make a right turn and left".

"Put this earbud in your ear so we are kinda calling and hear each other, if you got any questions just ask me".

After that Kittya left the canteen and walked to Williams jail, I am still grabbing video camera and a notebook etc. Alright I got everything now.. oh shit I forgot the most important thing ' a pencil '

without that I won't be able to write in the notebook.

Mhmmm.... I don't hear her asking question that means she is already arrived there or almost arrived at Williams jail.

When I just left the canteen I hear Kittya screaming in my earbud.

GODDAMN that's loud.. I rush my ass to her and start running to catch up what's happening while in the mean time I am trying to make contact with her.


For fucking sake I don't hear anything from her, these shitty earbuds don't work.

When I arrived at the hallway from Williams jail I open the iron door and I see Kittya sitting on the ground with her hands on her mouth I notice a lot fear in her eyes.

Than I turned my head fast to the direction she is looking and I see William, He hanged himself with a blanket..

Well shit I didn't expect he would suicide himself in his own jail.

"Kittya, grab my hand don't sit on the floor let me pull you up".

"I am just kinda shocked I've never seen a real person hanging himself in front of me. What are we going to do now he is literally dead".

"Well .... Can't you communicate with him because he is now a ghost right?".

She gave me a side eye.

"It doesn't work like that what you think ....".

I told Kittya that Axel is on his way here after that I said that the police will take it from here.

"We need to clean up here and bring his body to another place. We will also contact the family members about his death".

Kittya suggested to visit his home so she can check out the energy and see if she can make contact with any of children or wife. I told her it's fine but not for today because of the unexpected situation that took place.

"Xavier we contacted the family members about William I spoke his sister on the phone and she told me their mom has dementia, than we have his brother but he is admitted to an addiction clinic because of drugs. Williams sister doesn't want anything with him".

"So what are you guys going to do with Williams body?". Kittya asked

Damn its like their whole family is fucked, kinda sad for his mother that her sons ended up being shit.

What to do... mhmm I guess we should burry him somewhere and tell his sister where we buried him for if she changed her mind to at least visit her brother.

"Listen up Axel and Kittya, lets bury him somewhere and let his sister know about the location, its their own choice to visit his grave if they care about him".

Axel and Kittya started both nodding to my suggestion

"Kittya tomorrow were going to visit his place to find the answers ourselves. We're going to solve this case without William".

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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