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I glance at the beautiful woman who has a woman pinned on the cold bathroom wall.She looks at me for a split second and continues with her business(pleasuring the other woman).I have this urge to leave but I seem to have lost my legs and keep staring at the two women.The pinned woman has dirty blonde hair and she is slightly shorter than the beautiful stranger,she has dark brown eyes and seems a little bit tipsy.The beautiful stranger attacks the pinned woman's breasts while she holds her hands above her head.She switches he mouth from on nipple to another which are already hard as the pinned woman let's out soft moans.The moans seem to encourage the beautiful stranger as she slides her hands south of the pinned woman who arches her back as she grinds herself on the stranger's fingers. I have this urge in me to pleasure myself I mean I have never done it but I feel myself dripping wet.I move my hands to ease my frustration but that instant am met with deep grey piercing eyes.She looks at me with a bored expression and I search for the pinned woman but she is nowhere to be seen.

I feel embarrassed and immediately compose myself but I immediately stop in my tracks when I hear what the stranger says next.
       "I can help you with your problem little girl"
She says it with a serious expression that makes me believe this isn't her first time to offer such help.
     "Your fingers are too small and too short to even create any difference.Whereas mine well you can see for yourself "I gasp and am reminded to close my mouth immediately.
      "Its rude to stare little girl"and with that she is gone.
Okay now I need to find out who the hell is this woman.

I leave the bathroom and the moment Anna spots me she comes complaining of how I ditched her and I apologize to her for that.I mean I can't tell her what just happened in the bathroom, she won't let it go and will tease me every chance she gets.

     "I need to introduce you to someone "she says as she leads me to the strange man she was grinding herself on last Saturday.
       "Maria this is Aiden,Aiden this is Maria my best friend".she says. I extend my hand to Aiden and we shake hands for formalities.
      We sit in a booth and order some drinks and that's when Anna tells me Aiden helped her to find her wallet. My mind is in a haze I cant seem to forget the scene in the bathroom and that's when I spot her on the counter.

        "Who is she ?".
        "She is Andrea Blue the owner of this club and the infamous daughter of the blue family"this time round its Aiden who answers my question.

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