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Now it was my turn to open my mouth wide and you can't blame me.

The Blue family is a very famous family  and its famous in a very good way.So am even surprised that a daughter of such a family would own such a place let alone be lesbian or bisexual or whatever she is.Its a family of doctors.Mr and Mrs Blue a very famous cardiologist and own a very large hospital.They have three children two twin boys who are also very famous.One of the boys who I think is called Scott is a pediatrician and one who is called Knox is a gyenocologist. They also have a daughter who is never in the media and that brings us to Andrea the club owner.The blue family are known for their charitable works and are highly respected.

I wonder how they feel about Andrea's sexuality.I was once watching a television interview where Mrs Blue was hosted and when she was questioned about the LGBTQ community her face immediately showed disgust for such people.She openly spoke against them and even quoted some bible verses.So am wondering what she thinks about her daughter. Is it the reason she is hidden and if she is hidden how would Aiden know about her.

I am so much in thought until I hear my name being mentioned.
     "So Mari what do you think". ,I stare at Anna as if she has developed two heads."What?"I ask her since I am completely lost. She explains to me that Aiden wants us to hang out on Saturday at a beach wont I be third wheeling any ways I just accept.I know Anna can be annoying if she doesn't get what she wants.

The moment we left the club Anna was so excited about meeting Aiden on Saturday. I think she likes him.
   "So what should I put on "Anna asked

    "Clothes unless you prefer to go nude"I replied and this earned me a glare from her.
    "Your sarcasm isn't appreciated Mari but thanks for your advise"she snickered.
   "Okay maybe you should put on your flowery dress remember we are going to the beach" I told her and she seemed to agree with me since she didn't have any come back to what I said.
      "And what are you gonna put on"
      "Maybe a pink dotted dress" I replied.

We arrived at Anna's home at 7:40 in the evening and trust me her father was not happy at all.
    He gave us a deathly stare and asked to sit down. Anna's father is a control freak.He believes he can command anyone and actually he is so proud of it.He hates being disobeyed and being talked back to and he rarely takes anyone's advice .To sum it up all he is a dictator.

    "Young ladies what is the time and what time is your curfew"
      "Its 7:40"we answered.
      "I asked two questions and am getting one answer which means you know you're I  wrong.You either tell me where you have been or you're both grounded.I hate being disrespected most especially in my own house."James said in his intimidating voice.
   "Anna go to your room and Maria am taking you back home".James said picking up his car keys.
   He drove me home in a very uncomfortable silence and the moment we arrived home  I knew he had to report me to my dad.
   The moment we got inside he called out to my dad and started talking.
   "Mark,I am quite disappointed in you.How can you allow your daughter to dress like that .They have been God knows where and that was how she was dressed the entire. Keep a watchful eye on her or you may end up raising a prostitute." James said with a very stern voice and my dad nodded on every word he said.He told my dad about me being grounded and with that he was gone.

That's how Anna's father is.He thinks he can order everyone around because he is the preacher of the town.My dad never even set my curfew it was James who set it,that's him he is a control freak.

    "Young lady to your room and you're grouded"  my father said as it I hadn't heard it from James already.

Sometimes I failed to understand my dad,its like he easily followed James's commands rather than talking to me first just because he was the preacher and knew better.

I went to my room and switched off the lights .I didn't want to face my dad so I was just going to skip supper.

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