Annabeth Chase

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Third person POV

"Now.... As after a few hours it will be night time. So I'll ask someone to show you around the camp and present you with some potential party members and then tomorrow morning you can start your quest."

Chiron said as they both started leaving the big house.

"Fine by me."

Percy answered. Then Chiron went ahead and stopped someone and asked her to guide Percy.

"Ah...Annabeth. Can you please show Percy around...."

And before he could continue. She interjected him.

"I'm here to go on a quest with him.... I know. He is the one"

She said looking at Chiron. Chiron sighed as he said.

"Look like you got your first member of the quest."

He said as that girl did a victory smirk. Percy raised an eyebrows

"Well... Percy this is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena. One of the most brilliant minds of the camp."

He said introducing Percy to annabeth.

"And annabeth. This here is....."

"Perseus Jackson. Son of Poseidon. Tasked with retrieval of lightning bolt."

Annabeth said completing Chiron sentence.

"Well... Yes... Now will you please show him around."

Chiron asked her and she nodded. As their tour of camp half blood began.

Percy POV

Chiron left me with this girl called Annabeth. And she is my quest member as well as.
She was showing me around the camp.

"And this here is your cabin and with this your tour has been completed. Remember not to go out after curfew time and entering another cabin is heavily restricted. Only a child of that cabin owner can enter"

She told. But without listening to her I pull her in my cabin.

"What in the Hades name are you doing.... I am not allowed here."

She shouted angrily.

"Yet you are still here."

I replied calmly

"Now....What do you mean by..... I am the one."

I asked her. All I hope is she doesn't know about prophecy.

She looked at me for a second with piercing gaze as she said.

"You could have asked me... There was no need to pull me into your cabin...."

She again replied angrily.

"Why are you so... Stressed  for just entering my cabin."

I asked her with a bit confused.
And that made her even more angry

"You ask me why I am stressed.. because I. a Daughter of Athena. Is inside cabin of Posieden.......
This could upset my mother as well as your father too... Can't you think about that."

She shouted again. Yes.... she was right. Father and Athena are not on friendly terms. But I believe they won't care much about this.

"You don't need to worry about that. I've got it covered..ok... And even if something happens. I'll take the blame"

I said as she calmed down a little. And then I asked again

"Again. What do you mean when you said... I am the one"

I asked her. Again she looked at me and then replied

"I said what I mean. I know about you.... Even before you came here.... I kept having visions of your. That's why I said you are the one."

She said and honestly this was the smoothest lie I ever heard. But again I live in world where myth is real......

"What visions did you see..... And why did you have visions of me"

I asked her. She looked at me and then sighed.

"For you second question. I don't know. That is something which even blows my mind. I asked Chiron for advice on this and he told that we have some..... Sort of connection.
And as for your first question.... I saw few moments of your life. Like your mother"

She took a pause as she looked here and there. Around the room.and then said.

"Your adopted mother is Hera. The queen. Your aunt Hestia visits you. And you are your school swimming champion."

She answered me. This is serious. She knows about mother and aunt.

"You had a great childhood. With your mother by your side. Although Gods can't interfere with there child's life. But be grateful your mother found loopholes and she's using it to be with you."

She said with an angry gaze. I know she must be jealous. I got to have a nice childhood. While.... They had it really rough.

"I... Am grateful to my mother. I love her the most. And into the important matters. You could come with me on quests."

I told her. She looked at me and said.

"I am bound to come into your life."

With saying that she went out and I stayed there like a dumb looking at her.

Perseus Son of HeraWhere stories live. Discover now