Chapter one - pg.2

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The kitchen became their new haven, the setting sun casted long shadows across the countertops. Candles flickered to life with the touch of a match, bathing the room in golden hues. Their movements around each other resembled a silent dance.

"Pass the garlic?" Denora's requested softly.

"Here," Edwin replied, handing her the cloves. 

He focused on the way Denora moved, her grace and confidence as she seasoned the simmering pan.  He might still contend with shadows lurking in his vision, but here, under the tender candlelight, they couldn't reach him.

"Smells amazing," Edwin commented, leaning in to inhale the aromatic steam rising from the pan.

"Almost as good as your mom's cookies," Denora teased. 

Edwin nodded, contentment settling in his chest. It was in these instances, surrounded by the love his life, that Edwin could almost believe in a world without horror lurking at every corner.

The moonlight spilled through the half-open blinds, casting it's celestial glow over the bedroom where Edwin and Denora lay entwined beneath the sheets. The air was heavy with tranquility, a stark contrast to the turbulence that often plagued Edwin's mind. His arm cradled Denora's shoulders as she drew lazy circles on his chest, her touch grounding him in a reality far sweeter than any dream.

"Tell me," she whispered, her voice a soft melody against the silence of the night, "what does your future look like?"

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