Chapter two - pg. 2

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Edwin's breath came in ragged gasps, his lungs failing to draw enough air to quell the dizziness that threatened to consume him. The world around him—once filled with the gentle hum of life and love—had been silenced, replaced by a grotesque stillness that seemed to mock his devastation. His eyes, wide and unseeing, stared at the void left behind by Denora's vibrant presence.

With every shuddering inhale, he tasted the metallic tang of blood that lingered in the air, an invisible yet undeniable reminder of the violence that had torn through their sanctuary. His home, once a haven of shared dreams and whispered promises under soft blankets, was now desecrated—a stark tableau of his deepest fears made manifest.

The broken pieces of their life lay scattered across the floor, mingling with shards of shattered glass and splintered wood, each fragment a testament to the severity of his loss. Edwin could almost hear the echo of their laughter, a cruel contrast to the suffocating silence that enveloped him now. Their mundane joys—their movie nights curled on the couch, the dance of their shadows in the flickering candlelight during power outages, the shared meals at their small kitchen table—were all but memories, distorted by the brutality that had invaded their world.

The walls, once adorned with photos of their sun-kissed holidays and framed milestones, felt oppressive, closing in on him with the weight of a past that was ripped away too soon. HE clutched at the fabric of the couch, searching for a remnant of warmth from where they had cuddled just hours before, but found none. It was as if the very essence of their existence had been extinguished, leaving behind nothing but a cold, haunted shell.

His thoughts churned in turmoil, a maelstrom of grief and disbelief. How could such serenity be so swiftly and utterly obliterated? The comfort of routine, the security of their love—all lay in ruins at his feet. He struggled to piece together the fragments of before and after, but each attempt only served to plunge him deeper into despair.

"Denora," he whispered, the name a prayer, a plea, a lament. But there would be no answer; her voice would never again fill these rooms, never again soothe his fears or spark his laughter. Edwin's heart, heavy with sorrow, beat against the hollow emptiness within his chest, a painful reminder that he was still here, still breathing, while she was not.

In the stillness that followed the carnage, Edwin's mind replayed the horror, each detail etched into his memory with cruel precision. The peace of their ordinary life had been a fragile illusion, shattered beyond recognition, leaving him to navigate a nightmarish reality from which there was no waking...

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