Chapter 3

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Now almost every day, Emily, and Anna went to the cafe, and enjoyed the same meal, which was named as usual.    
             ‘Usual?’ ‘Yeah’
They became close friends with Julia, Emily and Anna wasn't considering Julia as her best friend but as regular customers saw them, they considered them as a trio.

Anna and Emily got a 15 day’s vacation, so they went to their home, California.
Anna noticed her father had opened her locker which was in her room, When Anna asked her father the reason to open that, he claimed that it had to be opened until her 20th birthday.
  ‘But it was 21st?’ Said Anna

‘No dear, It had to be opened at 20 and red at 21st’

Oh, my 21st birthday is next month, but my exams are there, so I won't be able to come. I will take it with me and read it on my 21st birthday. I'm really excited and curious,’ said Anna.

Then, these 15 days passed by. Now, it was time to go back, and they both had to go through a cruise. As soon as they reached the sea port, they witnessed a crime scene. The police were there, the cruise was delayed, and a person was shouting,
     ‘No! I wasn't, I didn't,  it wasn't my fault.’ Emily laughed at him, questioning if he really thought he wouldn't be arrested.

Anna reminded her not to judge too quickly, considering it might be a misunderstanding. Whatever happens will be in his destiny.

Now in their PG, they were tired, so they laid on the bed and talked about their 15 days.
After returning from college, they went to the cafe and met Julia.
‘How was your holiday, girls?’ asked Julia.
‘Amazing,’ they both replied cheerfully.

Anna asked Julia about her time, and she said it was good. They had their usual conversation, enjoyed, and ate their usual.

A tale for the young ones: Destiny and ActionsWhere stories live. Discover now