Hiba Usmani

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Hailing from Delhi Hiba Usmani is a budding storyteller whose love for writing blossomed at an early age, she has been writing short stories since the
age of 3 years. Her first novellete was written when she was 12.
Born on 2010, July 19, she loved to write short stories, may it be of any genre. Fantasy, suspense or any other. When she started to write novelettes she found her genre as mystery and suspence.

Hiba Usmani has many hobbies which include arts and crafts, cooking, painting, writing stories and poems.
She currently knows 3 languages which involve English, Hindi and Urdu, and also learning French.

The book ‘A Tale for Young Ones, Destiny and Actions’ is mainly written for Gen z’s, while she also includes in Generation Z, by seeing the people around her, and
the environment aspired to write a book trying to make people realise that the world is not only about scrolling through the mobile, humiliating people or
thinking you’re the best, this book is followed by a story giving lessons.

In this, we see how Anna’s and Emily’s destiny got shaped and due to the circumstances how their lives

A tale for the young ones: Destiny and ActionsWhere stories live. Discover now