Chapter 23

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The second day of Seokjin's quarantine was even worse, even though the morning started of very promising. Jungkook had stayed with Taehyung and Jimin in their hotel room and had slept for almost 12 hours because of pure exhaustion after his breakdown last night. The kid had woken up quite well and enjoyed the attention he was receiving from his youngest hyungs who gave him a nice bath and played with him afterwards. It appeared to be a normal morning since Jungkook often slept in their hotel room, but when the members were gathering around in the hotel's restaurant to get breakfast, the toddler finally realized that this wasn't a normal morning.

"Jinnie hyung?" Jungkook asked suddenly when he was looking across the big table they were all seated. He was sitting at the end of the table because of the elevated child seat so he had a clear view of who was present and who not. And his big brother wasn't here right now.

"Hyung is in his hotel room, he's sick remember?" Sejin responded and gently whipped Jungkook's mouth where chocolate spread was covering his lips.

"We go to Jinnie?" the toddler asked with pleading eyes and grabbed his chocolate bread to show it to Sejin "I wants to give bwead to Jinnie hyung"

The manager smiled softly and placed a hand over the kid's smaller one and pushed the chocolate bread back to him "That's yours Jungkookie. Seokjin is getting his breakfast from the hotel room service. He's okay"

"But I go to give hug?"

"We can't Jungkookie. Your hyung is sick and needs to stay in his room so nobody else gets sick" Seijn tried to explain, but once again the toddler didn't agree with him and furiously shook his head.

"I want Jinnie hyung!" he shouted and threw his chocolate bread across the table, causing everyone to turn his head towards the upset boy.

"Jungkook, don't throw with food!" the manager said sternly and grabbed a tissue to whip the boy's dirty hand that were covered in chocolate. "That was not nice of you!"

"No!" Jungkook shouted again and grabbed a piece of apple to throw on the table as well. Sejin sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead impatiently. He didn't want to deal with a stubborn toddler right now, not when he needed to do so many things because of Seokjin's quarantine. He had slept for 3 or 4 hours and his head was starting to pound heavily because of it. And of course, Jungkook managed to make it even worse when he hit his cup of apple juice, making his child seat and the floor around him wet with the sticky liquid.

"Jungkook!" Sejin growled and stood up to lift the toddler from the child seat. Jungkook started to cry out loud when he was being carried away from the table and tried to get out of Sejin's arms who didn't bulge.

"Jinnie!!!" Jungkook cried loudly and hiccupped when sobs were overwhelming him.

Sejin sighed sadly at the crying human in his arms and continued to walk until he found a quiet and deserted spot in the hotels lounge to sit down on a couch. He placed Jungkook on his lap, but he needed both of his hands to keep him seated because Jungkook's arms were flailing around him. It looked like Jungkook didn't even know what to do with his own body in his emotional state and desperately tried to hold onto something.

"Poor little thing" Sejin heard a familiar voice getting close and lifted his head to see Hoseok coming closer to him. The dancer knelt down in front of them and grabbed one of Jungkook's flopping hands. "I have never seen him this upset before" he muttered sadly.

Sejin nodded and tried to comfort Jungkook, but the boy kept calling for Seokjin and refused any kind of comfort from the two people holding him.


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