Chapter 5

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WARNINGS: Pregnancy!!!

Y/N woke up clutching her stomach she rushed to the bathroom puking up she groaned holding her stomach this sudden movement woke Spencer up he walked to the bathroom " hey hey baby everything okay? " he asked her crouching down rubbing her back " n-no i feel awful " she said to him leaning onto him Spencer looked at her nodding " do I need to call someone else to fill in for tonight " he asked her she immediately shook her head no getting up " I'll be okay " she said to him smiling even tho she was lying she went and got ready for the day doing her makeup and hair while Spencer got ready too he kissed her cheek " you sure you'll be okay for tonight? " he asked her " yes ill be fine baby " she groaned rolling her eyes but she did decide to buy a pregnancy test incase she was pregnant she went to a drug store buying it deciding to wait until tonight to take it.

Spencer was getting ready for his show he looked around for her y/n had taken the test it was positive she held her stomach " no... " she had to hold herself together when she met face to face with Spencer he saw the test he took it from her seeing the positive results he picked her up " I'm gonna be a dad! " he said to her kissing her lips which shocked y/n " fuck it we'll open the show up with the announcement " y/n quickly shook her head " are you sure I don't want to upstage your band's moment " she said Spencer nodded " yes baby now cmon let's go " he said walking to the stage with Y/N " alright psychos before we begin this crazy show I want you all to meet my lovely girlfriend y/n! " Y/n waved she was blushing the crowd was cheering some were not pleased but Spencer began talking again " and we have an announcement! I'm becoming a dad! " he yelled into the mic holding the test up y/n was congratulated by the band and was kissed by Spencer before she took the test and began to makeup process Nadia and Shev came up hugging her " oh my gosh we are so happy for you! " they said to her smiling Y/n smiled " thanks guys! " she said to them wiping her eyes trying to hold back tears.

Y/N walked onstage to do her part she was smiling even tho she felt like puking Spencer couldn't help but touch her belly she blushed he kissed her belly " I can't wait to be a father " he looked up at her y/n smiled " I wish I had family to tell I only have my father " she sighed looking away Spencer held her face " we can tell my family " he said to her smiling hugging gently he kissed her head " let's get back to the hotel " he walked with her back to the car getting inside and they drove back to the hotel once they got back to the room he looked at her " when we get to our next city we are doing an announcement shoot " He told her which she agreed too she blushing " how did I get so lucky " she asked him " ever since our first meet and a greet you've been nothing but generous to me " she said to him which he kissed her lips holding her stomach then he got her to bed where she laid down and relax next to her rubbing her belly gently.

Y/N felt like the luckiest girl in the world she stayed close to Spencer the whole night, Spencer got her up the next morning it was late in the night she groaned but he was super helpful to get them to the next city so they could the announcement and finish up the tour.

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