part: 13

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At night.

As they were sleeping peacefully. taehyung woke up by the sound of rain . He came out of the room with excitement. He doesn't just appreciate the rain he worships it. Rain is his happy place, his sanctuary, his one true love (besides his grumpy husband, of course). Standing on the balcony, Taehyung extended his hand into the rain, feeling the cool water cascading over his skin.Despite the beauty of the moment, a pang of sadness gripped his heart as he thought about his unrequited feelings for Jungkook.

"Why can't you love me, Jungkook?" Taehyung whispered to the rain, his voice lost in the sound of thunder. "I know you respect me, but... it's not enough. I want more. I want your love. I know it's been only one day of marriage but still..."

"I mean, I thought love was supposed to be like the rain—pouring down without reservation, soaking you to the bone with warmth and affection. But here I am, feeling like I'm the only one standing in a drizzle while you're holding an umbrella over your own head."

"But maybe that's okay," Taehyung mused, a hint of hope glimmering in his eyes. "Maybe love isn't about always being in sync, but about learning to dance in the rain together, even when the steps feel out of"

Despite the ache in his chest.he smiles at the thought of how gentle jungkook is.

Meanwhile, Jungkook  startled by the loud rumble of thunder echoing through the house. He immediately looked towards the Taehyung Side. Sensing Taehyung's absence beside him, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat with worry.

Fearing the worst, Jungkook hurried to the balcony, his breath catching in his throat as he caught sight of Taehyung standing there, drenched from head to toe. Despite the darkness and the rain, Taehyung's presence illuminated the night, a beacon of light in the storm. Unable to tear his gaze away, Jungkook felt a swell of emotion rise within him as he admired Taehyung's resilience and beauty, the raindrops glistening like diamonds against his skin. But as always, he pushed down his feelings, burying them deep within his heart, determined to maintain the facade of indifference that shielded him from the vulnerability of love.

"Taehyung," Jungkook called out, his voice a gentle murmur in the darkness. "What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold."

"I'm out here trying to convince the rain to audition for the singing competition. It's got some star potential ."

Even Taehyung is talking like this Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, Despite Taehyung's playful tone. So he without second thought closed the gap between them and embraced Taehyung into a hug. the sound of the rain fading into the background as they stood together, finding comfort in each other's arms amidst the storm.

In the morning

Taehyung woke up first and plan to make something even he knows he is going to mess up everything. Just to suprise jungkook he quickly fresh up and went to kitchen. He takes the apron in his hand and rotate in 360° not knowing how to wear it. Finally when with so much struggles he was about to wear it jungkook came there.

"Wait why are you here just go to bed I'm planning to do something." Taehyung said pushing jungkook out of the kitchen. "Maybe I should also sit here with a bucket of water cuz someone said it's important to have water near in case if it will catch fire" jungkook said in mocking tone. "I'm not going to burn the kitchen. I'm a pro cook. It's just that it was my hidden talent but now I found it ." Okay then I'm leaving." Saying that jungkook was about to leave "Okay I mean...yeah could you please help me to wear a-apron." Taehyung said showing his puppy eyes "didn't you just find your hidden talent" jungkook said in sarcastic way "yayyy cooking is my Hidden talent not wearing  apron now come and help ." Jungkook just rolled his eyes and went to help Taehyung.

As Jungkook's breath brushes against Taehyung's neck, a shiver runs down his spine, sending a rush of warmth through his veins. He feels his nerves tingling with anticipation, every nerve ending alive to Jungkook's gentle touch. Taehyung swallows nervously, feeling a strange mix of excitement and apprehension swirling inside him as Jungkook's hands linger just a moment longer than necessary.    In that moment, Jungkook can feel his own heartbeat quicken, his touch igniting a fire within him that he hadn't expected. They both stand there, caught in the silent dance of their unspoken desires, each feeling the magnetic pull drawing them closer together.
As the intensity of the moment overwhelms them both, Jungkook takes a sudden step back, His cheeks flush with embarrassment, but beneath the surface, there's a flicker of something deeper—something that he doesn't know what name he should give.

"Thank you," Taehyung says softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Hmm.. do you need any help." Jungkook said while roaming his eye around the kitchen "I will manage on my own. Btw thanks for the offer" Taehyung said in teasing yet warm voice.
"Alright," he concedes, stepping back slightly. "Just let me know if you need anything." With that when he was about to go the door bell rang.
"Who has come this morning, jungkook can you please you go and check ? " Taehyung says showing egg in his hand like he is busy. Jungkook  went to the door and opened the door

"L-lisa what are you doing here"

I'm currently busy with nothing. I mean I have nothing to do  but still I don't have time for anything .

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