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S3 E7where the boys are

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S3 E7
where the boys are

"I'M NOT GOING CAMPING, Derek!" Maddison's shouts are heard inside Liam's and her house.

"Come on! I need my sister!" Derek tells her, trying to reach her from across the sofa, but she moves away.

"Oh, please, emotional blackmail doesn't work on me, you know that." Maddison rolls her eyes, as Pudding runs with them, thinking it was a game.

"I don't get what's the problem." Liam, who was calmly sitting on the kitchen counter with Bagel in his lap, asks as he sips his coffee and reads the newspaper.

"I don't like the woods." Maddison tells him, throwing a pillow at Derek, who swats it away. "I didn't like it when we were little and he used to take me camping, and I don't like it now."

"Maddy, it'll be just like old times." Derek tells her, running around the sofa, but Maddison moves with him.

"Exactly." Maddison replies.

"I told Burke I'd pick him up in like 5 minuets." Derek tells her. "You're going to make us late."

"You have Burke!" Maddison replies. "You don't need me."

"But I want to go camping just like we used to do when we were kids." Derek argues, and runs after her.

Maddison runs across the room, but gets caught by Liam, not expecting him to be there.

"Liam!" Maddison lets out, as he holds her in his arms. "What-"

"Here." Liam tells Derek, handing the girl to him, like a bag. "Have fun."

"I know you said no before, but you could still join." Derek tells him, holding the intern over his shoulder.

"Ha, no." Liam replies. "My shoes aren't meant for camping."

"Alright." Derek nods, starting to walk away.

"Liam! I swear!" Maddison yells.

"Have her back by 8!" Liam calls out after them.

"You just wait until I get back, William!" Maddison yells back to him, as she gets carried away.

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