Bones, Crushing

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My hands react before my brain can and I plunge the pitchfork into Saw's leg.

A mist of blood slaps me in the face, and their cries grow louder. But I don't panic.

What to do? Who to get? My eyes flicker between the two, a scowl growing as I pull the pitchfork out.

More blood. Gaty, who is now losing her cool, stumbles to Saw's side, frantically trying to get her back up. She's at the entrance, right by the hands that welcomed them into the garden, but the wheezing from the corpses behind them served as a reminder of their entrapment.

I step forward, smiling, as I clutch the bloodied pitchfork in my hold.

"Well," I speak. "What do you think? It's a nice clearing for a garden..."

Shivering, Gaty's eyes narrow. Her words hiss through her clenched teeth. "..You..."

"Yeah. I know it's me. It's unbelievable."


"I dunno. Maybe you should look behind you and answer that for yourself."

No one speaks. I see Gaty writhing with rage, drawing in a giggle from Scarlet.

'Well, someone's mad..~'

Looks like she's ready to pounce.

'Aw, but how could she do so? Her pathetic little girlfriend can barely keep herself standing...'

When her giggling dies down, Saw chokes out words I cannot understand. Her lips moved in a panic, desperately clinging onto Gaty's sides as the two tried to regain their composure.

I raise my head, and my smile serves as a reminder; they cannot avoid what is to come. The few remaining eyes in the garden are presented with new victims, fearfully clinging onto one another, mere feet away from a possible escape.

Yet, their chance of freedom is separated by us.

By me.

How tragic. But those four needed to get used to it.

I did.

'Right you are, my dear. Now. Let's spin the wheel to see who goes first!~'

...We don't have a wheel.

'...Question me again, and everyone you love will end up beneath us.'

I flinch. Tough crowd today. Someone really didn't like the idea of another garden blooming to life. I'd say something, but her anger served as a reminder for me to get back to work. So I clench my pitchfork, and my gaze returns to the couple.

I make sure to steer clear of the flowers around us. The distance between us dwindles, and I find myself standing above them. None of us speak. Our eyes freeze, waiting. Our breaths held.

It wasn't until Saw lunged forward that my fists slam into the center of her chest. Her sense of balance perished and she tumbled straight into a thorned bush of roses. The thorns, now fully grown, pierce through the girl's skin, and blood pours like the red sea, splattering into bloodied roses on the ground.

Thank goodness we're far from the city. Nobody can hear her scream.

Behind me, I hear Gaty screaming. I'm shocked to see how she hasn't fled, but I shake my head, realizing it wasn't out of any malice, or any stupor.

Fear Garden 2: Scarlet's Bloom (An IDFB Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now