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Harry's point of view

I thought this party would be kind of fun, but twenty minutes in, i was in yet another boring conversation with people trying to pass themselves as social royals.

The room was filled with vacant stares, snotty fashion designers and superficial conversations, ambling around in their sparkly clothes. I leave the conversation with an insightful comment to shut them up, and i decide to go home. I have been to these types of parties countless times before, and i dont know why i keep coming back to them. I walk towards the exit, but a sudden push to my shoulder makes me stop in my tracks.

"Oh, I-Im so sorry," the hesistant brunette said, looking down at her feet. She was very shy, as her cheeks turned a bright red when i looked into her eyes. Her hair gleamed from the lights and presented my eyes with a glow like no other. She immediately earned all of my attention when she shyly looked up at me. I remember my intense and sudden interest, just after one glance i was hooked on her hazel eyes.

"That's alright," i tried to smile, seeming nice to the awe worthy girl. My gaze traveled carefully down her body, absorbing the beautiful sight of her. She looked young, a lot younger than me, but that didn't stop me.

I shook my head, scared of the sudden dirty thoughts, already multiplying and inhabiting my mind. She started biting her lip, and my mind scattered around me. I cleared my throat, trying to break the sudden silence.

"Hi, i'm Harry," i introduce myself, offering a handshake. She took it and i felt her soft, delicate hand just for a brief second before she released it. She smiled at me, immediately putting me in a better mood than i was.

"I'm Claire, nice to meet you," she said politely, furtherly enticing me with her enchanting body, hair and profile. She was wearing a beige dress, reaching just above her knees, displaying her curvy body, her inviting legs... Fuck, Harry. Get your shit together. Shaking my head at myself again, i try to continue the conversation.

"You too Claire. How old are you?" i ask, noticing a hint of a british accent. I try not to sound too prying.

"I'm sixteen," she nods as i was staring her down, head to toe. Wow, sixteen. Her light brown hair fell down the sides of her chest, the long waves reaching down to her back. Uncontrollable and sudden flashes ran through my head.

"Really? Then what are you doing here?" I asked, confused as to why a teenager came to an event like this.

"My brother invited me," she explains, not hiding her obvious nervousness. She must be intimidated by me. Good.

She's sixteen i kept reminding my self. Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen... It's wrong to think of her this way, but found myself not able to control myself. She smiled politely yet again, as Louis suddenly approached us and put his arm around her.

"Hey! I see you met my sister!"

... Fuck.

A/N: This is the official "beginning" of my story. Well not really, its only the prologue. Hope you enjoyed it, please vote and comment! There's sooo much more to come, so stay tuned :) I'm so excited for this story!

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