t h i r t y o n e

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Claire's point of view

My body freezes at the first loud knock on the door, and i turn my head in a flash. Harry is here, right outside the house. I don't hear shouting, just the relentless sound of Harry's fist colliding with the wooden door.

I don't know what to do, and i can hear Louis' voice through the phone calling my name. I hang up and punch the duvet off of me, standing idly up from the bed and walk slowly towards the hallway.

I see Niall getting up from the couch, looking at me with frightened eyes. He rushes over to me, staring into my eyes.

"It's Harry," i whimper, making Niall's eyes widen. I feel my stomach twist, as we both turn our heads towards the door.

"I'll handle it, go back in my room," Niall says, turning away from me. I grab hi hand, making him look back.

"Are you crazy? There's no way i'm letting you do that," i argue, shaking my head. He frowns at me.

"He's here for me," i say, trying to walk past him.

"You are definitely not going out there alone," he argues, and walks up to stand next to me. We get to the door, and then i hear him.

"Niall, open this fucking door!" Harry shouts, ruffled by the distance.

I place my hand on the handle, quickly opening the door before Niall can stop me.

When his eyes meet mine, i feel a gut-wrenching feeling of guilt course through my body. His red swollen eyes, his pale lips and tired look makes my whole body ache.

I just want to wrap my hands around him and forget the last few hours. But even thinking about touching him, just reminds me of what he did.

"Harry," i breathe. I don't open the door wide enough for him to see Niall, just enough for him to see my face.

"Claire," he exhales heavily, and i smell the alcohol from his breath. He stands with a tilt, with tired eyes. He looks like... pain.

"Please leave," i say, looking down at the ground to avoid his eyes.

"No!" he hits the side of the door frame with his clenched fist.

"Not without you," he says weakly. By mistake i take my hand off the door, making it slide wide open.

Harry's whole body stiffens and all emotion slips away from his eyes, except for one. Complete, and utter rage.

"You," he hisses with disgust, staring at Niall.

He bursts through the door, and i'm powerless to stop him. Niall doesn't back up or move at all. He stands still, before Harry punches him right in the face.

"Harry, stop!" i shout, gripping his shoulders desperately, trying to pull him back.

"Get off me Claire," Harry growls, moving away from my grip. He moves in on Niall again, lifting him up from the ground. Niall, looking fazed from the first strike, stares back at Harry.

His fists are holding Niall's shirt, before i try and get between them and he lets go. His veins are showing in his temple and forehead, and i don't know the extent of what he could do.

I place my hands on either side of his face, making him look back at me.

"Go home Harry," i tell him the harsh truth, but he doesn't want to take it in.

"This is all his fault," he growls at me.

"No it's not, it's yours," i say calmly, looking softly into his eyes.

"You are not making things better by coming here and doing this Harry."

"Do you think i care? I only care about getting you away from him," he says with wide eyes, pointing at Niall. I turn around and i see his swollen lips, a long with the minor cut on his eyebrow.

"The only way i'm leaving is if you come with me, home," he grabs my hands, holding them against his chest. I feel Niall come up behind me, feeling his shoulder against mine.

"Harry, i don't know exactly what you did to her," he starts, his intense stare makes Harry give his full attention.

"But i do know there is no way in hell i'm letting her go with you," he adds. Harry breathing grows heavier, before he lunges after Niall once again. He pushes him against the wall, grabbing his shirt, staring into his eyes with a furious look.

"You don't know shit!" Harry growls at him. I try to separate them but Harry's grip is to strong for me to intervene.

"You fucking wanted her ever since we started going out!" he spits, but Niall remains surprisingly calm.

"You wouldn't back off, a- and she doesn't want me anymore because of you!" Harry's voice breaks, his lips trembling. He chokes back a sob as i see the pain in his eyes. I did this to him.

"Harry! Would you look at yourself?!" i shout at him, and he slowly turns his head. He grits his teeth, sweat dripping down from his temple.

"You are beating up your best friend to get me back!" i put my hands in my hair, feeling my pounding head. He blinks at me before loosening his grip on Niall. He turns completely, focusing solely on me.

"I know - god, i know Claire!" he whispers loudly, hitting his chest with his fist.

"Would you look at how i am without you?" he says, slowly loosing his forceful tone.

"You can't guilt trip me into going back with you Harry," i shake my head as he places his hands on my cheeks, making me look right back at him

"What can i do, huh? What can i do for you to forget what i did?" he says, discreet desperation in his raspy voice.

"Ugh don't you understand? I can't just forget what you did, Harry! I can't... trust you anymore," i admit, avoiding his eyes. I hear him sob as i watch another tear fall to the floor.

"Why did you come here? The only place, the only person i didn't want you-" he asks and when i see where he's going with this, i blurt out before i can stop myself.

"Because i didn't have anywhere else to go, Harry! I couldn't go home, or to Louis, he lost all respect for me when i told him i loved you and ran off - again," i shout frustratedly.

"I need time Harry, and so do you," i say, looking him up and down. He shakes his head nearly motionlessly.

"No, all i need right now is you." He grips my hands tighter, feeling my cold fingers.

"I'm staying here until i figure things out Harry - you got to give me time, you owe me that,"

A silence emits through the hallway, only filled by our eye contact. After a short while, Harry inhales sharply, choking back a sob, and then nods. He turns around and walks slowly to the door, his knees quivering as he exits the house. He stops, faces me and says:

"Please don't fall out of love with me," he begs, a lonely tear dripping from his eye.

A/N: :( ew i hate sad stuff

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love you, see you next chapter!

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