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Chapter 15

Claire's point of view

Harry still hasn't spoken to me since what happened at the parking lot. Someone actually took a picture of us kissing, and has definitive proof that we are together... Or at least hooking up. I haven't been able to completely process the fact that this might be all over. We are all at home, and i have been in my room for an hour or two. I want to go into his room, but i'm afraid of what he might say. That we are over. That he can't risk his career for me, and that i'm not worth the scandal. And i don't think he's thinking clearly. As soon as the flash went off, he ended our kiss and froze for a couple of seconds, watching the paparazzi running off with his camera. His camera, with material that could end his career, and leave me alone without him. The thought is unbearable.

I think i need to get some distance, i need to get some sleep and worry about this tomorrow, when the photos are on every gossip page in the world. Might not be the plan, but i'll deal with it then.

The last thing i think about before i drift off, sending a surge of panic through me, is Louis and what he'll do to Harry when he finds out.


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I wake up as i hear my bedroom door slowly open. I turn around, expecting to see either Louis, here to scold me after finding, or Harry to explaining how we can't be together anymore. But Niall closes the door behind him, and i can't help but notice his uneasy eyes.

"We need to talk," he says and runs his hand through his hair. He walks over to the bed, and sits down. I rub my puffy eyes to wake up and sit up against the headboard.

"Does Louis know yet?" i say worriedly, expecting to wake up to a media frenzy with the picture plastered all over the internet.

"What? About you and Harry? No, i haven't told him," he says and i find myself even more confused. Are the picture not out yet?

"But that's the thing i wanted to talk to you about, you and Harry," he says and i sense the nervous pitch in his voice.

"Go on," i say, curious about what he's going to say.

"Well, i wanted to... Uhm, tell you.. That uhm.." he stumbles over his words as his breath becomes heavier. He moves closer to me and his crystal blue eyes shimmer in the sun from the window.

"Claire, i wanted to tell you-" he starts before Harry enters the room.

"Oh, sorry, i was just- What are you doing here?" he snaps at Niall, and i see Harry's eyes fill with anger. Niall looks back at me and sighs.

"Always in the way," he murmurs before standing up and walks to the door.

"We were talking," Niall says and exits.

"You don't have to be so rude," i say before Harry shuts the door. He walks determined towards me, and grabs me by the side of my head with his hand and kisses me hard.

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