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Chapter 6

Claire's point of view

Its been about ten minutes after Harry left me in the bathroom, and i'm still staring at myself in the mirror. He just looked at me for a few seconds and stormed out. I gather my thoughts and walk out silently, preparing to act casual when i get to the kitchen.

Even though i don't really know what's going on between Harry and I, i still have to keep last nights events secret from Louis. From everyone. I reach the first step on the stair when i hear my phone buzz in my pocket. I bring it out and the screen reads "The main Biatch". Michael. I smile as i'm reminded of when he changed his contact name from "Michael" to... well, this. I press the green button to accept the call.

"Heeey," i hear his loud voice as i put the phone against my ear.

"Hi," i try to sound happy, even though i'm not in a good mood right now.

"What's up?" he says and i hear the magazine-paper flip in the background. He is a junkie for the most trashy magazines ever, and sometimes we sat in his room together, flipping page by page, soaking in all of the lies from the tabloids.

"I'm about to have breakfast, you?" i start to walk back to my room, i don't want to be down there just yet. And i miss Michael, so i'll just talk to him for a few minutes and then head back down.

"I'm reading," he says and i chuckle.

"I don't think you can classify "OK magazine" as reading," i laugh, laying down on my bed.

"Hey shut up! There are words aren't there?" he scoffs, flipping another page.

"I miss you," he says, and i immediately get a twitch of homesickness in my stomach.

"Yeah, you too," i say quietly, sitting up on the end of the bed.

"So what's going on around there? Have you done anything exciting?" he asks. Oh, if you only knew.

I know i shouldn't tell anyone about last night, Harry would get in a lot of trouble, Louis would kill him and even his career could be ruined. But i really need someone to talk to...

"Nothing much, Louis, Harry and myself went sightseeing yesterday, and-" i say before he interrupts suddenly.

"Hold up. Harry? As in Harry Styles?" he shouts excitedly.

"Uh-huh, he's living with me and Louis for as long i'm here" i confirm. I hear nothing more but loud distorted noises from the other end. He must have dropped his phone or something.

"You bitch! Why didn't you tell me that sooner?" he complaints, and roll my eyes at his outburst.

"Y'know you call me bitch a lot, its not really a term of endearment,"

"Whatever, give me the dirt. D'you think he's nice? Or is he like a totally stuck-up asshole? Have you talked with him much?" he asks, and i have to take a few seconds to answer. What do i think of him? I mean, he hasn't really shown much emotion to me, i saw a glimpse of it when i came into his room and it was like he couldn't believe i was there, his eyes were vulnerable. It was the first time i saw... him. I don't think i would've gone through with it unless i had seen that. I can't tell Michael exactly what i think of him, he would figure it out in a minute.

"He's... okay," i try to play it cool, avoiding the question.

"Okay? He is an asshole isn't he? Ah i knew it."

"No no, he's nice... kind of quiet.. he's very intense, and... " i loose my train of thought as the words spill out of my mouth.

"Uhm Claire?" he says and I snap out of it and realize how that must have sounded to him. Unsure of what to say or do next, i decide to end the conversation. He really can't find out, even though i trust him, he just cant.

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