Chapter 28

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Song of the chapter: 0 to 100 by Drake

Bodies, blood that's the only thing I saw on the field.


After Brad passed out on the floor we sound the alarm to tell everyone to prepare. Half the guards helped the women and children into the under ground camp. The pack was in complete chaos, everyone was running around.

I went to my weapon room and prepare for what to come next. A bloody war.

I put on my armor and gun holder and a couple of knives in my boots. I also had a new experiment that I was working on but I didn't know what is was because I didn't have time to test it out. So I hope it does what I had in mine and not create rainbows and sun shine. Long story.

After I got ready I walk out the room and bump into Lucas who was dress for battle.

"Lets go." He command, I raised my eyebrow but follow him and we walk out together.

"He looks so hot in that vest." Sara my witch said and the other agreed, I could almost see the drooling.

"Could you guys pay attention." I rolled my eyes and gasp at what I saw.

Bodies, blood that's the only thing I saw on the field. Bodies of rogues, there was a lot of them fighting.

I teleport to the to the middle of the field to help my pack. I grab my gun and aimed for any thing with red eyes and bad stench. One of the was going to attack Cody from the back but I threw a knife in it's head and moved to the other. After killing most of the rogues I was exhausted.

"My my Crystal. You've grown." I heard a voice behind me. I turn around and gasp at the sight.

"Uncle Gabriel?" I said in shock, I couldn't think properly. My mind was jumbled and hazy. The one person that I didn't thought would betray me was alive and well in the flesh. Gabriel was killed a year back due to a rogues attack. His body wasn't found and his wife said she felt their connection broke. What made this so bad was that everyone morn his death. He was apart of everyone especially my mom because he was her brother.

"Hello niece." I see a wicked smirk formed on his face and he grabbed me and lifted me up by my throat.

"Why? Why do all of this? I manage to get of as he squeeze the air out of my breath.

"I want to be king, that why. If you weren't born with that brother of yours I would be." he threw me into the tree that was a couple feet from us. I shakily got up focus on healing my throat.

"When i'm done with you, You'll beg for death and I'm start with your family then you beloved mate. You will beg for mercy." while he was talking was reading his mind. The horrible things that he has as done, the many lives the has taken like his wife and kids. When I was done I gave him a look of disgust.

"Well that's too bad." I said then kicked him in the chest. He flew back from the compact.

"You'll regret that." He raised his hands and I saw black flame cover his hands. Was that suppose to frighten me.

He start throwing the fire but my body absorbed it. The look on his face formed shock to fear and it was hilarious.

"Did you thing that you can beat me? I'm invincible."

"Crystal let me take over." Demona said, I could feel her coming out so I did what she said after that I blocked out.


I look around me and saw that my mate was missing form my side then I saw a knife flew across and pierced a rogue's head. The wolf combust in ash and Cody let out a breathe.

I continued kill rogues until I can when livid at the sight of my sister being taken away by one of them. I lift my hand and the rogues froze with fear. I had was glowing red with a hint of black. They start coming at me and I twist my hand breaking the neck in the process.

After they were all dead I start helping the pack and getting everyone healed. I went over to Roxanne and she had a knife in her sided. I gently put my hand down on it and it started healing and so was the other bruise on her body. I help her up so she can walk over to the others.

Suddenly I felt a shift in the air and it was powerful.I look over the far right to see Crystal and a man but she didn't look that same, she looked evil. The man was quaking in fear now but Crystal didn't care. In one swift movement she had him in the air. She took out a dagger from her shoe and slice that man on his arm. What shock me was when the man skin start dissolving into thin air. Crystal had a smile on her face while she cut him up.

Finally she stop and move her hand over his heart and I saw his eyes widen. She then plunge her hand hand into his chest and start taking out his organs saving his heart for last. The man face turn white and his body went rigid and fell to the ground. She then took one of her arrow and stab him in the head and his body turned to ash.

She walk over to a rock before standing on it. The bodies of the rogues starts floating in the air before turning into ash like the man. She start turning from her demon to Crystal the girl I know and love but then my mouth drop open.


As Demona gave me back control I look around to see the bodies of the dead rogues gone and so was Gabriel's. The guard was looking at me with pride and awe.

Lucas mouth was drop open and eyes wide open. I walked up to him confused. As I walk up his face turned into awe. Then he made a mirror with is hand and showed me. My hair was purple and black mixed ombre and my eyes shift colors from my creatures. I tried to made it go back to the way it is but I couldn't. After five minutes of trying I gave up. I felt like I was going to pass out, I was physically and mentally tried.

"Every one head back to the pack house and bring the ones that are injured to the pack hospital." Lucas ordered then pick me up bridal style.

"I love you." I told him kissing his cheek.

"I love too and our pup." He smiled down at me. I was shock then my face broke out into a little smile.

"How did you know?"

"I notice that your scent change when we were at the hospital. I didn't want to let you fight but I had to because you would've anyways I just put a protection spell on you." he explain walking to the pack house.

As we grew near I see dead rogues around the force field that I put on the pack house. Lucas twist his hand and the body disappeared.


We walk into the the pack house and everything looked like we left it. The women was in the kitchen cooking and the children was playing. It was like nothing happen two hours ago. Everyone is happy and safe.

"Lets go you need to rest." He carry me upstairs to our room before stripping our clothes. I place me on the bed before he got on and we were both knock out.


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