Chapter 18

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Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. -Marilyn Monroe

Crystal POV

 "So babe what did you mean when you said 'but you live with me' because I'm a little confused?" I asked looking around after I got out the car.

"And why are we not at your house?" I ask again.

"Well aren't we full of questions today." He said smiling down at me. Ugh, I just want to smack him."We're going to be living here with me at the royal pack house because 1) you're a royal 2)your my Luna and 3)because I said so." He replied with a cocky smirk.

"You know you could just ask me to move in with you. OMG did you go in my underwear draw?" I asked in horror.

"You have nothing to hide love and plus I think lace is my favorite." He said with a wink and I playfully hit him on his arm.

"So we're going to be staying here? Well, I like your place better more privacy." I smirk at him and her growl.

"I know you do love and I would love to see your arse on display around the house but we have to do this for the sake of the pack." He said.

Five guys came running out of the house playing around. The all have basketball shorts on and a soccer ball was in one of the guys hands. They spotted us and the made their over to us. There were two that looked alike so I'm assuming they're twins. They had blue eyes and blonde hair but one was dirty blonde and the other was sun bleached. The other three guy one had blonde hair and hazel eyes the other had one had brown hair and light green eyes and the last one has dirty blonde hair with blue green eyes. And they were all tall and toned with muscles and six or eight packs.

"Who's the beautiful lady?" asked the twins kissing my hand while I blush making Lucas growl. Jealous ass.

"This is Crystal my mate and you future luna," Lucas said glaring at the twin.

"Be nice." I mind linked him.

"I'm Cole and this is" he was cut off.

"Cody nice to meet you." his twin Cody said.

They were adorable but something eyes in their eye say mischief.I like it.

"My name is Adam behind me is Scott and peter nice to meet you," Adam said introducing the guy behind him. Scott was the green eyes and Peter is the hazel.

"Nice to meet you guys," I said smiling at them and the smiled back.

"Well, I'll leave you to do whatever you guy was doing," Lucas said walking with me into the house.

"They were friendly."

"Yea they are they're my best friends Adam is third in command and Peter is his brother and Scott is Liam brother." He informed me.

I walked inside the pack house and it was huge I mean a freaking palace.Lucas showed me around in all there were over 150 bedrooms, 50 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, a game room, a ball/dance room, a library, an auditorium for meetings, an inside gym and pool and more.He was showing me our room which was on the fourth floor.

"Love this is our room." He said opening the door. The room was huge with a modern look. It was painted blue and gray with blue and gray furniture. I looked around and see a large walk in closet with our clothes. I walked over to another door and open it to see that it was the bathroom it was so beautiful everything was made of glass with a bath, shower and a jacuzzi in the corner where the mirror was the bathroom was cream and blue. I exit the bathroom and see Lucas at a balcony looking out. It was getting dark and you can see the sunset the sky was yellow, pink and blue.Lucas took me in his hand and hugged me from behind placing his chin on my head. I sighed and lean into his hard but soft chest.We stayed like this until the sun went down.

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