Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up to Achilles bringing me breakfast in bed, I was blushing like crazy. He laid beside me as I ate my food, neither one of us saying anything. Eventually he started to take my bacon pieces, but once we reached the last one I slapped his hand away and shoved it in my mouth. He then proceeded to scowl at me for an hour after that.

I was cleaning myself up when Sadie barged in, her eyes lit up as she saw me. She hugged me then started rambling about something, jumping up and down. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at her, trying to figure out why she's excited.

"Did you find your mate or something?" I asked, grabbing my comb.

Sadie laughed, "No! Achilles just came up with an idea to get you away from the stress for the day."

I looked at the suddenly shy Achilles, he kept glancing around the room as Sadie continued to ramble on. I quickly hushed Sadie before focusing on Achilles, my eyebrow rasied. "Achilles, what is the surprise?" I questioned.

He sighed, "I was thinking..." he started, scratching the back of his neck. "That...we could go to your parents' beach house for the weekend actually."

I gaped at him, he would actually take me to the beach house for the weekend because he doesn't want me to be stressed? I know I sound stupid, but I've never had any guy do this for me. Even my boyfriends before I met Jason, they were all the same. Just taking me to their house for dinner or the movies, it got boring. They refused to spend a day at the lake or beach, they didn't even want to go to Six Flags for the day. It was annoying and disappointing, but then here's Achilles. Took me to my parents' cabin and we stayed for the night and now he wants to take me to the beach house.

I smiled and nodded enthusiastically, throwing my arms around him as I pulled him into a hug. I quickly kissed him, excitement swirling within me. He chuckled, pulling me close to him as he kissed my neck. My back was pressed against his chest with him playfully nibling my ear.

I looked over to see Sadie with a horrified look on her face, I stuck my tongue out at her. "Go and get packed." I said, laughing a little.

She swallowed then narrowed her eyes, "Are you guys going to do it?"

We both just stared at her, "Sadie! You can't ask that!"

"Why not? It's America, freedom of speech."

"Sadie, go get packed."

She smirked before leaving, closing my door while telling us to use protection. I freed myself from Achilles' arms and locked the door. I then turned around with a seductive smile on my face, his eyes slowly turning black.

"Well, I never said we weren't doing it." I whispered as I walked back over.

He swallowed and clenched his jaw, his eyes wide and black. Before either one of us could blink, Achilles had thrown me onto the bed. He crawled on top of me and started to kiss me roughly. Our hands traveled each other's bodies as he grinded onto me. I could feel his excitement and caused me to become even more aroused. With one lustful glance we made love again.

"Okay, so everything is packed?" I asked.

Achilles sighed, "Yes, can I go pee now?"

"I said you could go pee an hour ago."


I rolled my eyes as he sprinted towards the packhouse, almost knocking over poor Blake. Ryan snickered at him as he stumbled before stopping himself from falling. Blake flashed him an irritated look, but didn't start an argument. He then walked over and threw Sadie's final bag into the trunk.

Achilles (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now