Chapter 23

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"Achilles, you can't have anything else. You'll puke." Melissa sighed, scowling at her son.

Achilles continued to glare at her, refusing to eat the soup sitting on the table. He was still ghostly pale with a little hint of green. He had circles under his eyes and lost even more weight, which was slightly scaring me. I sat quietly while watching them bicker, it's funny. Achilles looked at me for help, but I only smiled sweetly and walked away.

"I hate you." he grumbled in the mind-link.

I laughed, "Nope, you love me."

I walked outside to see Blake and Ryan sparring with each other while Sadie was with her new mate. I smiled at them, she's finally happy with a guy. Henry watched her with love struck eyes, hanging onto each word she spoke. Blake and Ryan's mates were chatting at the pool, their feet hanging in the water.

I walked over and was about to sit down when Mona flashed me an irritated look, I frowned at her as she tried shewing me away. What crawled up her ass and died? Jennifer furrowed her eyebrows before looking at me. She grinned and got up, pulling me into a hug.

"How is Achilles? Still sick?" she asked, sitting me down.

I sighed, "Yeah, but Melissa said he should be better soon. It's actually comical to watch those two bicker, he's like a stubborn child."

Jennifer laughed, "That sounds like Achilles. I'm just glad he's actually talking to his mom again, it was sad to watch it slowly destroy her as her son refused to even see her."

"I know, I had to convince him to not ignore her and to give her a chance."

"You're an awesome Luna, you know that, right?" she asked, smiling.

I grinned, "Thanks, Jen."

Mona sighed and got up, telling us she had better things to do. We both stared at her retreating back, trying to figure out what set her mood off suddenly. I know we've had an awkward relationship, I don't even know if you could call us friends. I shook my head, I guess she can act like a bi-polar bitch if she wants.

"So, any news on those rogues?" I asked, dipping my feet into the pool.

Jen shook her head, "They're still attacking our patrols, your territory is in ruins. The Hybrid leader wasn't happy that your pack was gone."

"Of course he is, he probably wanted to murder everyone."

"Most likely, the rogues attacking us aren't part of those ten groups, plus the Hybrids."

"Who are they then?"

She shrugged, "A random group of rogues, Melissa is thinking of calling them the Outcast group."

I laughed, "Does she have all this organized?"

"Pretty much."

I talked to Jennifer for a little more before getting up and walking inside, needing to grab something to drink. I walked past Mona who was talking to Sierra, both of them flashing me a glare. I sighed, why do they hate me so much? If they continue to disrespect me, then they can find themselves a new pack. I could care less if they have mates in this pack, they're disrespecting me and I'm tired of it.

What makes them think they can just treat their Luna like this? Mona should know better, I've been her Alpha for almost two years now. Sierra, well, I guess she needs to get used to the idea of me being Alpha female. Not like it should bother her, as long as she stays away from me and doesn't act rude towards me, then we should be fine. The only times she'll have to see me is whenever we have a meeting or a celebration or something.

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