Chapter 24

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I sighed as I sat beside Achilles, he was sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around my waist. Melissa wanted to spend time with her mate today and explain the whole pack to him, of course she refuses to explain the patrols and fighting ideas, war plans, and so on. She told me that by the third day Achilles is usually exhausted, he'll most likely sleep for hours. I looked at him, gently running my hand through his dark hair.

He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed onto me tighter, whimpering a little. I frowned and kissed his temple, saying soothing things to him so he'll calm down. His head was very warm, his hair was soaked with sweat, and he was panting. Melissa warned me that the third day of him being sick is always the worse, he usually doesn't feel better until the fourth day. I sighed and maneuvered myself so that I was laying beside him. Achilles wrapped his arms around my mid-section and pulled me towards him, cuddling against me. I smiled and kissed his forehead, admiring my beautiful yet sick mate.

After an hour I fell asleep against him, needing the rest from the stress of Mona and Sierra. I wanted to kick Sierra out of the pack, but I knew how much she meant to Jay. I couldn't exile her without our Gamma leaving as well, plus, Achilles needs to agree with me. Sadie assured me that her and Henry will take care of Mona, but getting through to Ryan is going to be difficult. I couldn't help but stress over this, we have enough issues with these damn rogues, those two bitches aren't going to be causing problems for much longer.

When I woke up again Melissa was quietly walked into the room, she gave me a smile when she noticed I was awake. I felt drowsy as I watched her walk over and hand me a glass.

"You're really pale, when is the last time you had water?" she asked, that stern voice only a mother could use was evident.

I nervously smiled, "A while ago...yesterday to be exact."

"Iris! Drink this now, I don't need you passing out. My goodness, you and your sister are terrible at taking care of yourself when it comes to hydration." she scolded, shoving the glass into my hand.

Over the course of the past three days Melissa has been a mother to Sadie and I, for that I'm truly thankful. I missed my mother and all these months I knew we still needed a motherly figure in our lives. Sadie likes Melissa, she's adjusting well to her and she said she finally has another mother. Even if she isn't our birth mom, she is still a mother by heart. I smiled to myself, Sadie is truly a blessing in disguise. I placed the empty glass on the nightstand and stood up, stretching out my cramped muscles.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked with a yawn.

Melissa smiled, "You are going to take a shower and rest, Reese said the rogues aren't bad today. Plus, dinner will be done soon. How has he been?" she asked.

I sighed, "Worse. He's been whimpering, sweating, and his fever went up."

"Well, I have medicine for him, but I have no idea if it will work. He used to take it when he was younger..." she trailed off, a sad look crossing her features.

"Are you okay?"

She snapped her eyes to me, "Yeah...I just regret not being in his life. Even when I was partying...or just trying to get that sorrow to go away I still worried for him. When he was sound asleep I would kiss his forehead and whisper to him that I'm sorry. Over and over again, but I knew he couldn't hear me. I couldn't help it after a few months, I was addicted to that sense of freedom. Yet, those motherly instincts always caught me. Dragging me back to my only child, but I still screwed up."


"Mom, you can call me mom." she cut in, giving me a small smile.

I grinned, "Mom, you need to relax. That was in the past and Achilles is starting to forgive you, he loves you. You're his mother, no matter what, he'll always love you. I know that you cared about him and you still do, so does he. Is he a little hesitant to show it? Yes, but that's Achilles for you. He's a clown, he's loving, he's everything that a mother would want her son to be."

Achilles (Wattys2015)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora