Chapter 18

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I woke up to someone knocking loudly on my door, a growl escaping my throat as I pulled it open. My temper flared as I came face to face with Catherine. She had a gleam in her eyes along with a sadistic grin plastered on her face. She then sighed and changed it to a sweet smile, but it didn't fit her.

"What do you want?" I barked, narrowing my eyes.

She pursed his lips, "So, where is Achilles?" she questioned.

I clenched my aching jaw, "He's checking up on his pack."

"Ah, you shouldn't lie, Alpha." Catherine scolded. "I know you two got into a terrible fight and that he left. He's back home, he said he's staying home."

I swallowed, "You're lying."

"No, you can even ask Sadie where he is. He's tired of your depression shit over your parents. I mean, come on now, it has been what? A year since they've died?" she laughed. "You're so pathetic!"

I roughly grabbed her by her throat and pinned her against the wall, a low growl sounding. My eyes were black as my wolf tried gaining control, but I held her back. "Listen here, bitch, if you disrespect me one more time then I'm going to exile you from the pack. Got it?"

Catherine let out a choked laugh, "Fine, go right ahead. I'll just turn even more rogues against you. Maybe your sister will die this time."

I wanted to cry, but I held my pain back as I threw her down the hall. She slid across the floor, a yelp escaping her throat. I then pinned her down, digging my claws into her flesh.


I snapped my head up to see Sadie and Blake running over to me, horrified expressions on their faces. I clenched my jaw again before sighing and letting go of her, I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Throw this bitch into the dungeons." I spat before walking away.

How in the world did she find out? I ran my hand through my hair, I already had a feeling that Achilles returned to his packhouse. He didn't come back last night, so I assumed he was back. I forced down the sob as it tried coming up, of course I ruined our relationship. I felt empty as I climbed into the shower, not wanting to do anything but sit in the warm water.

I was tempted to mind-link him, but I figured he wouldn't want anything to do with me. Why would he want to waste his time on a worthless bitch like me? I closed my eyes and leaned me against against the tub as I laid there.


I snapped my eyes open and coughed up water, trying to bring air into my lungs. Someone started rubbing my back, bewilderment surrounded me as I felt the sparks. My blurry vision eventually turned clear as I looked up to see Achilles staring at me with a worried face. He grabbed me and pulled me close, kissing my neck.

"What the hell Iris? Were you trying to fucking kill yourself!?" he snapped.

I was too dazed to answer, my mind was a mess and my body was too exhausted. I just leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes once again. He ran his fingers through my hair, kissing the top of my head.




I woke up a second time, spluttering water out as well, but there was no sparks. It was only Sadie and Ryan, both of them seemed scared as hell. I weakly grabbed the towel from Sadie's hands and wrapped it around myself. The tears burned my eyes, of course he wouldn't return. I shook my head, angry at myself for falling asleep in the damn tub. That's all I wanted to do really, was sleep.

"Iris, you scared us!" Sadie cried, hugging me.

"I'm sorry, I-I was tired..." I trailed off, feeling guilty for scaring Sadie like that. "I promise, I won't do it again."

"You better not, are you okay? The last time you fell asleep this easily was after-

"I'm fine." I said, cutting Ryan off. "Let me get dressed and I'll make some breakfast for you."

"No, you're going to rest. You look exhausted, you're really pale too." Sadie chirped, giving me a stern look.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, but got up anyway. I quickly got changed into some clothes and laid down, completely worn out already. I rested my head on my pillow and stared at the wall, a stray tear rolling down my cheek and onto the pillow's surface. I closed my eyes and sighed, wiping the tear away. I curled up into a ball and started to cry, not being able to hold it back.

Achilles (Wattys2015)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant