The End *Chapter 51*

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  • Dedicado a All of My Fans :) Thanks for the Support <3

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 51

The End

Heaven's POV

I yawn and stretch. I look up to see Kasey, Nick, and Austin all asleep. I laugh and sit up. I scoot back so I'm sitting in Kasey's lap.

"Kasey. Time to wake up" I said softly.

He opens his eyes and looks right at me. He smiles and says quietly, "Morning Beautiful."

I smile and blush. "Morning."

He looks over at his friends and laughs.

I smile and shake my head.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked me.

"Good. Still feel a little guilty about everything though" I muttered.

He sighs and says, "Don't. It's not your fault he changed."

I smile sadly and nod.

He looks over at Nick and Austin and then back at me. He smiles and asks, "Can I do something?"

I shrug and say, "Sure."

He smiles wider and leans forward. He looks in my eyes and I smile. He closes the space between our lips and I smile.

He pulls away and I blush.

"Sorry" he whispered.

I laugh quietly and say, "Don't be." I gently touch my lips to his again.

"Damn!" I heard Austin yell.

Both of us look over at him and he's smirking. I blush and he laughs.

"Shut up" Kasey said, laughing.

Nick wakes up and looks around. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Kasey was getting some from the hot human!" Austin announced.

I blush even more and look down.

Nick laughs and says, "Nice going dude."

"Oh my Jesus! Stop" I said, laughing.

They all laugh and I glare.

"So what's for breakfast?" Austin asked. "I'm starving!"

Kasey shakes his head and says, "What ever is in the kitchen is for breakfast."

"I feel like pancakes... I'm going to make pancakes" I decided.

"Yes!" Austin yelled.

I shake my head and get up. I look through the kitchen for everything I need and then start making the mix.

"Need help?" I heard Kasey ask from behind me.

I gasp and turn around quickly. I laugh and say, "You vampires and your silent movement."

He laughs and says, "It's a plus."

I shake my head. "You want to finish mixing this for me?" I asked, giving him the bowl.

He smirks and says, "Sure."

I smile and put butter in a pan. It melts and then I turn to get the batter. Right as I turn, Kasey picks the whisk out of the bowl. It gets all over my face as I turn around.

Kasey starts laughing and I can't help but laugh too.

Nick walks in, sees me, shakes his head, and then walks away.

I fake glare at Kasey and he stops laughing. "I'm sorry" he said, smiling.

"Clean it off" I ordered him.

He laughs and says, "You sure are bossy."

I stick my tongue out at him and he does it right back at me.

"Here, come here." He gets a paper towel and starts wiping the batter off of my face.

I smile and dip my finger in the batter. I wipe it on Kasey's lips and stick my tongue out.

He stops wiping the batter off of my face. "Really now?" he asked me.

I laugh and say, "Let me get that for you." I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him again. I wrap my arms around his neck and his rest on my lower back.

I pull away a little and just look into his pretty eyes. He smirks and asks, "So does this mean we are more than friends now?"

I laugh and nod. I wipe the rest of the batter off of his lips and peck him on the lips. I turn back to the batter and pour some of it in the pan.

We cook up a bunch of pancakes and then put them on the small table. We sit on one side of the table and Nick and Austin sit on the other side. They dig into their pancakes right away.

"Thanks Heaven for the breakfast" Nick mumbled through his food.

I laugh and say, "You're welcome. Kasey helped a little." I smile at him and he winks.

"So are you guys dating now?" Austin asked bluntly.

I burst out laughing and look at Kasey. He's smiling and nods. "Yeah, I guess we are" I said to them.

"Damn, Kasey always gets the good ones" Nick said and then winks at me.

I blush a little and look back down at my food. Kasey takes my hand and squeezez it gently. I smile up at him.

Everything seems so right and perfect right now. I have a new vampire boyfriend, two guys who will make my life crazy, and my "family" that I used to always be around. I smile more and take another bite of my pancakes.

Woo! That's the end guys! Well until the sequel haha! I'm pretty sure the sequel will be called, I'm a Human Girl with Vampire Friends and One of Them is my Boyfriend! Sound good? Well thank you for reading I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!  I love all of my fans for supporting me and reminding me that I have people that like my writing :) Thank you! And for the last time in this book, please comment and vote! <3

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora