Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 3

Running Away and Then Kidnapping

A couple hours after I runaway, I get to a truck stop. It's almost dark now, seeing as it's seven in the evening. I go to the girls bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible. My hair is a mess, my make up is smeared from crying and the long ride here, and my eyes are bloodshot from being tired.

I sigh and splash water on my face. I wash away the make up and put on new. I brush my hair and look at myself again. I look better than before. I take a drink of my water and then go back outside.

I sit down at a table and take a deep breath. What am I doing? I have no where to go. How am I supposed to live? I can't go to any of my friend's houses. They don't know about my parents. When ever a friend came over, I would keep them away from my parents as much as possible. And of course my parents acted like they were the best parents in the world around other people.

I groan and close my eyes. I try to think of some way I can live by myself. How can I pay for what I need? I don't have much money. Maybe I can get a job at a coffee shop or something. But where would I live until I get enough money to rent a place or something? I don't want to live on the streets because a lot of runaway girls have been raped because they spent a night on the streets.

Oh great. Now I'm going to scare myself. Perfect.

My thoughts are interupted by guys talking. I open my eyes and see two men walking toward my table.

"What are you doing here all alone?" one of the guys asked. He has short, blonde hair and green eyes. He's tall and skinny and has a smirk on his face.

I ignore the question and pick up my bag and skateboard.

"Where are you going?" the other guy asked. He has thick, brown hair that goes past his ears. He has brown eyes that look cold and mean.

I keep walking and try not to look over my shoulder. When I finally do, the two men are following me. I frown. I just had to jinx myself and think about girls getting raped! Stupid me!

When I hear their footsteps getting closer to me, I put my skateboard down and jump on. I kick off and try to go as fast as I can but it's not fast enough. I soon feel hands around my waist and I get yanked off of my skateboard. I scream and flail around in the person's arms but it doesn't do much.

The blonde haired man steps in front of me and smiles. "Don't worry. We won't hurt you. Yet" he said before taping my mouth shut. The other guy ties my hands while the blonde one ties my feet.

The brown haired man picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He turns around and starts back toward the truck stop. I see the other man picking up my bag and skateboard.

I start to cry queitly, then. I realize I'm getting kidnapped and no one is going to know. My parents are the only ones who know I ranaway and they don't care if they ever hear from me again. My friends will try to get a hold of me or something and they won't be able to. My phone is in my bag and these guys will probably take it.

The guy that is carrying me stops and opens a car door. He throws me in the back of a black BMW. The blonde guy is in the driver's seat and the brunette guy gets in the passenger's seat.

I try to sit up but can't because of the ropes around my legs and arms. I groan as I give up and the brown haired guy looks at me. I wish I knew the names of these guys.

"What's with you" the guy asked.

I struggle to get up again and he smirks. "Oh! You want to sit up. Well too bad" he said while turning back around in his seat.

I growled and rolled my eyes. They didn't look back at me again and soon I fell asleep in the back of this strange car with my kidnappers. I don't know how I fell asleep but somehow I did. My last thoughts before I passed out were, "Why me?" and "Where are they taking me?"

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora