Swimming *Chapter 31*

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 31


Heaven's POV

Drew stops running and I look up from my hands. I look around but don't see anything.

"Um... Drew? All I see are trees" I said.

"You can walk some of the way" he said laughing. He stes me on my feet and then takes my hand. He leads me forward and I consentrate on not tripping over all of the roots.

"Okay, it's just up ahead" Drew said.

I look up and hear water trickling. I smile. "Is the water warm?" I asked.


"Yay" I said right before I trip over a root. I gasp and then Drew catches me.

"Can you just stay upright for a minute?" he asked me.

I laugh. "Sorry. I guess not."

He shakes his head and then pulls me forward again.

We break through the trees and I see a pretty big pool of water. There's water trickling down the big rock on the opposite side of the pool amd then little streams feeding water into it too.

"Wow" I said. The water is clear and fresh looking.

"Yeah. Pretty, huh?"

"Definetly" I agreed.

"So are we going swimming or what?" he asked me.

I smirk. "Of course! I wouldn't miss a chance to go swimming. Even if you're going to be here" I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing" I said while walking toward the water and slipping off my flip flops.

"Heaven. Tell me" he said, trying to sound threatening.

"How about no?"

Drew doesn't say anything back so I turn around. He's not where he was before. I spin around and don't see him. I go to call his name, but a hand goes over my mouth.

My eyes widen and I try to scream. I get pulled back and then thrown into the water. When I come up for air, hands go over my eyes and I kick behind me.

"Heaven! Calm down! It's just me!" I heard Drew yell.

I stop struggling and he removes his hands from my face. "Sorry" I said.

He spins me around and kisses my head. "Sorry if I scared you, Hun."

"It's okay. Sorry for kicking you" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck.

He smiles. "It's fine."

"So let's swim" I said before going under and swimming away from him. I go over by the big rock and come up for air. I see Drew on the other side of the pool.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

He glares at me and says, "Looking for an evil girlfriend of mine."

I laugh. "You love me, though."

"True" he said, swimming over to me.

I smile and say, "I love how right this feels."I gasp and smack a hand over my mouth. "That wasn't supposed to come out of my head" I told him, blushing.

Drew laughs and hugs me. "You're so adorable" he said.

I blush even more and he kisses my cheek.

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