The Jealousy is Real!

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I woke up in the morning without my back aching from sleeping wrong. I got up and got dressed before going to wake Keith up. "We leave on an hour!" David shouted upstairs, I opened Keith's door. "Can't you just wake him up without the tip-toeing and whispering?" David asked as he watched me sneak in. I shook my head, "last time that happened, he punched Zack in the face." I said.
"Keith! Wake up." David shouted and Keith luckily didn't wake up but I shushed him.
"I don't take orders from a 16 year old girl."
"I don't take orders from a 50 year old man."
"I'm 45!"
"And I'm 17." I said as I poked Keith's shoulder, "Keith, wake up." He stirred as I shook his shoulder. David grumbled something and went downstairs. "Keith, someone stole your bike." I whispered and his eyes shot open.
"Fuck..." He grumbled and rubbed his eyes.
"You should stop falling for that."
"Fuck off, I'm up."

By the time I finished my little bit of breakfast, I still don't eat much, Keith had come downstairs only half dressed. "Keith, there's a thing called a shirt. Put one on." I said, elbowing him.
"Don't lie, you enjoy the view."
"Eh." I shrugged teasingly.
"Eh? You little..." He shoved me and I almost toppled off my seat.
"Guys, move it!" Paula stressed as she packed everything into a backpack for Dara who was now hanging off Keith's back. "No need to be a bitch, we are eating." He said defensively and Paula set her jaw, ignoring him. I put my plate in the sink and finished getting ready. Phone, camera, all check. I threw my hair into a ponytail and straightened it. "Why are you wearing flip flops?" Dara asked and I looked down at my shoes. "Oops,"
I changed my shoes to sneakers and we left. "God I wish I had the bike."
"I know. You poor soul, you have to be in a car for an hour!" I gasped sassily and he pushed me lightly. The drive was silent, each time David tried to talk to Keith he wouldn't reply and it would be uncomfortably silent, even Dara stayed quiet.

When we got there, Keith and I were to bring Dara in while they parked. We were handed three tickets and I carried her inside. "Do you have the camera?"
"I thought you grabbed it?"
"Why would I grab the camera when I'm carrying Dara?"
"Because you have two hands."
"Um, I need tickets please?" A worker asked, looking to be my age but shorter. I handed my ticket to her, Keith handed her his. "I just need your daughter's pass and you get go in."
"Daughter?!" Keith and I exclaimed and she looked taken aback.
"His sister. Not our daughter. Gross." I cringed and I put Dara down on the ground.
"Sister, well..."
"Sorry." I pulled out Dara's ticket from my other pocket and handed it to her slightly crumbled. Once we got in, Dara ran underneath one of the tanks where you could stick your head in. "How could you say she's not your sister?"
"She's only half my sister." He excused.
"I sort of get when you say Lauren isn't your sister but c'mon, Dara looks just like you except she has brown hair and not blonde!" I said, gesturing to the the little jumping girl as she ran around the fish tank. Keith rolled his eyes and we went on. David and Paula found us and took Dara, David handed us the camera noticing that we left it behind. We found the tunnel that had a ridiculous amount of fish, including sharks, and we got to work.
It's been hours and I'm almost falling asleep against the wall. "What are you two doing, you've been recording for two hours." An employee asked. I got up from the floor and put the camera in its bag. "We have a feeding station upstairs, what are you guys recording?"
"Sharks." Keith answered this weird guy.
"Figured, what kind."
"Mega-something or other." I answered as I looked at this guy who couldn't be more that 19. He had dark hair, light blue eyes and was hella toned.
"We just wanted some legit sharks for the project." I said, rubbing my eye.
"We have an area where we feed the sharks, want to see?"
"That is literally all we are missing." I told Keith who didn't seem to care.
"Follow me, ma'am." He nodded to me and I did. I followed him to up some stairs that said "CLOSED" on the side. We were outside a minute later, over the tanks. We usually toss in some big stuff for the big Sandtigers, smaller food for the nurses and leopards." He said putting on a pair of gloves. I recorded him feeding the sharks that were going nuts. "That's insane!" I laughed and I turned off the camera again after a few minutes. "Do you two live around here?" The guy asked
"Just visiting." Keith said shortly and a little bit rudely.
"From where?"
"California." I said with a smile.
"Nice, I go surfing there in the summer." He said with a nod. He was talking to me a lot, Keith obviously hated this guy. Keith's phone rang and he looked relieved, "Yeah, what?"
"We'll be there in a minute." He hung up and put a hand on my shoulder. "He wants us to meet him at the beginning of the tunnel." I nodded and I thanked the guy who I've leaned is named Zeke. "Here's my number if you ever come visit again." He winked at me and handing me a post-it with his name and number on it. "Uhm, thanks. Bye." I said blushing slightly and Keith might as well have dragged me away. Zeke showed us the door and followed us down. When we got to the bottom of the stairs I turned to Keith and went to say something but I wasn't able to get it out before he kissed me, Zeke coughed uncomfortably and left a few seconds later. The kiss was possessive and I could tell why immediately. I broke away from his rough lips, my eyes wide and my eyebrows raised. "What in high hell was that?" I asked, in a state between dreamy and annoyed. He shrugged with a grin that pretty much said 'Ha! In your face!' and I sighed. "But he was so cute," I pouted, "you suck." I crossed my arms.
"I am way hotter than that fucknut." I knew I really couldn't argue, but I never admit that. I just rolled my eyes and started walking without him. Do I like Keith, maybe. Will I still get pissed at him for a lot of shit, completely. Am I only mad because I've never been flirted with before, ok fine, yes... "You can't be that mad, the guy was a twat." Keith said, slinging his arm over my shoulder.
"You know, I actually found it nice that there was a guy who didn't call me a nerd or geek. Or a person in general who doesn't call me a freak, whore, slut, bitch, cunt, ect. But no... That has to be ruin for me to because of your jealous ass." I said, half-joking.
"Sorry, I guess." He said.
"Two apologizes in one day, I'm on a roll!" I praised myself sarcastically.
"Then I take it back."
"Sorry, no backsies."
"You are a 5 year old in a 17 year old body." He shook his head.
"And you act like a 2 year old but I haven't mentioned it." I smirked, I'm slowly getting better with my comebacks. Keith let out a "oomph" and I turned to see Dara had charged and latched onto his leg. I giggled and tried to pull her off as David and Paula came rushing over for Dara. "Dara!" Paula chastised her about tackling people when they don't see her.
We loaded into the car and I watched over the footage, and now that I hear Zeke talking I can tell now how much he was flirting, obviously flirting at that. "We're muting the twatfuck." Keith sneered at the screen and I laughed.
"Fine, I'll let you have that."
"I'm sorry, but I give you guys until next time you visit and you're going to be a couple." Paula smiled at us and Keith scoffed.
"I don't date." Why did I expect him to say that?
"I've never been on one so..." I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"Never?!" Paula gaped at me.
"I'm not very well liked back home."
"It's not that... Yeah it's pretty bad." Keith laughed, so did I.
"You two are the weirdest kids I've ever met..." She shook her head at us and turned around. We were greeted by the dog when we got in the door and settled down for dinner. I pushed around the small bit of chicken and vegetables I was given, Keith seemed to notice. "Eat, will ya?"
"I'm not hungry."
"You didn't eat lunch and had the smallest breakfast ever. Pfft, you're not hungry." He argued and I took a bite.
"There, I ate." I said. Dara was brought up to bed and I stayed up rewatching NCIS episodes with Keith. I went to shower and David came in after I left. "Can we talk, son?" I internally cringed as I left, giving Keith a good luck thumbs-up with a half-smile.
After I showered, a crashing sound sent me rushing downstairs to see what happened. Glass covered the floor and I stepped on a shard. Both David and Keith looked enraged. I hissed in pain and grabbed my foot. "You broke 5 vases?! Come. On!" I grunted, my foot hurt like hell.
"He is trying to justify killing a little girl."
"He's being a child, accidents happen."
"Both of you shut the fuck up!" I said putting my foot down literally and metaphorically.
"You should've been watching Darcy, what you did was make a mistake, it wasn't an accident." I pointed at David who looking at me with indigence.
"And you, control your goddamn temper, breaking things is always your first resort and I'm done with it!" I pointed at Keith who just crossed his arms and kicked a shard of glass. I sat on the steps to get off my aching foot. "Now your going to help clean up. And can you help me get a piece of glass out of my foot?" I told David and asked Keith. Keith nodded and helped me up.

I winced in pain each time Keith tugged on it. "Hurt?"
"Noooo it feels like a bunch of rainbows and butterflies." I rolled my eyes and Keith stayed quiet.
"Sorry." He said as he took the shard out with one quick tug. I sighed, he made it hard to stay mad sometimes. I looked down, "I know..."
"Your mad still." He said leaning over to see my face.
"No, just annoyed. I just wish you tried harder, I know you aren't a bad guy so stop trying to be one." I said, looking up with a slight and sad smile. I met his gaze for a good 5 seconds before he looked away.
"It's late, let's go to bed." He said, ignoring what I said.
"Yeah, sure..." I said, coughing and scratching the back of my neck. I went to get off the sink, which I was sitting on, but I was scooped up. "I just spent 15 minutes doing some medical shit on your foot, your not fucking it up." He said and I laughed softly.
"You're going to drop me!" I squealed as he carried me down the hall.
"You have no faith in me at all."
"Not when it comes to this!" He finally dropped me on the bed and left with a quick goodnight. He shut the door behind him, I just realized something. It was something that I should've noticed weeks ago on the balcony and something that can only end badly for a girl like me. I was in love with the blonde haired, green eyed, jealous, sarcastic, short-tempered, heartthrob bad boy, Keith Salaway... What am I going to do?!

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